Installation with Helm

Quick start instructions for the setup and configuration of Istio using Helm. This is the recommended install method for installing Istio to your production environment as it offers rich customization to the Istio control plane and the sidecars for the Istio data plane.

Warning Installation of Istio prior to version 0.8.0 with Helm is unstable and not recommended.


  1. Download the latest Istio release.

  2. Install the Helm client.

Option 1: Install with Helm via helm template

  1. Render Istio's core components to a Kubernetes manifest called istio.yaml:

    • With automatic sidecar injection (requires Kubernetes >=1.9.0):

      $ helm template @install/kubernetes/helm/istio@ --name istio --namespace istio-system > $HOME/istio.yaml
    • Without the sidecar injection webhook:

      $ helm template @install/kubernetes/helm/istio@ --name istio --namespace istio-system --set sidecarInjectorWebhook.enabled=false > $HOME/istio.yaml
  2. Install the components via the manifest:

    $ kubectl create namespace istio-system
    $ kubectl create -f $HOME/istio.yaml

Option 2: Install with Helm and Tiller via helm install

This option allows Helm and Tiller to manage the lifecycle of Istio.

Warning Upgrading Istio using Helm has not been fully tested.

  1. If a service account has not already been installed for Tiller, install one:

    $ kubectl create -f @install/kubernetes/helm/helm-service-account.yaml@
  2. Install Tiller on your cluster with the service account:

    $ helm init --service-account tiller
  3. Install Istio:

    • With automatic sidecar injection (requires Kubernetes >=1.9.0):

      $ helm install @install/kubernetes/helm/istio@ --name istio --namespace istio-system
    • Without the sidecar injection webhook:

      $ helm install @install/kubernetes/helm/istio@ --name istio --namespace istio-system --set sidecarInjectorWebhook.enabled=false

Customization with Helm

The Helm chart ships with reasonable defaults. There may be circumstances in which defaults require overrides. To override Helm values, use --set key=value argument during the helm install command. Multiple --set operations may be used in the same Helm operation.

Helm charts expose configuration options which are currently in alpha. The currently exposed options are explained in the following table:

Parameter Description Values Default
global.hub Specifies the HUB for most images used by Istio registry/namespace
global.tag Specifies the TAG for most images used by Istio valid image tag circleci-nightly
global.proxy.image Specifies the proxy image name valid proxy name proxyv2
global.proxy.includeIPRanges Specifies the IP ranges for which outbound traffic is redirected to Envoy List of IP ranges in CIDR notation separated by the escaped comma \, . Use * to redirect all outbound traffic to Envoy *
global.imagePullPolicy Specifies the image pull policy valid image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.controlPlaneSecurityEnabled Specifies whether control plane mTLS is enabled true/false false
global.mtls.enabled Specifies whether mTLS is enabled by default between services true/false false
global.mtls.mtlsExcludedServices List of FQDNs to exclude from mTLS a list of FQDNs - kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
global.rbacEnabled Specifies whether to create Istio RBAC rules or not true/false true
global.refreshInterval Specifies the mesh discovery refresh interval integer followed by s 10s
global.arch.amd64 Specifies the scheduling policy for amd64 architectures 0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred 2
global.arch.s390x Specifies the scheduling policy for s390x architectures 0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred 2
global.arch.ppc64le Specifies the scheduling policy for ppc64le architectures 0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred 2
galley.enabled Specifies whether Galley should be installed for server-side config validation. Requires k8s >= 1.9 true/false false

The Helm chart also offers significant customization options per individual service. Customize these per-service options at your own risk. The per-service options are exposed via the values.yaml file.

What's next

See the sample Bookinfo application.


  • For option 1, uninstall using kubectl:

    $ kubectl delete -f $HOME/istio.yaml
  • For option 2, uninstall using Helm:

    $ helm delete --purge istio

If your helm version is less than 2.9.0, then you need to manually cleanup extra job resource before redeploy new version of Istio chart:

$ kubectl -n istio-system delete job --all