Service Control Report

The servicecontrolreport template is used by the Google Service Control1 adapter.

Example config:

apiVersion: ""
kind: servicecontrolreport
  name: report
  namespace: istio-system
  api_version : api.version | ""
  api_operation : api.operation | ""
  api_protocol : api.protocol | ""
  api_service : api.service | ""
  api_key : api.key | ""
  request_time : request.time
  request_method : request.method
  request_path : request.path
  request_bytes: request.size
  response_time : response.time
  response_code : response.code | 520
  response_bytes : response.size | 0
  response_latency : response.duration | "0ms"


A template used by Google Service Control (servicecontrol) adapter. The adapter generates metrics and logentry for each request based on the data point defined by this template.

Field Type Description
apiVersion string
apiOperation string
apiProtocol string
apiService string
apiKey string
requestTime istio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStamp
requestMethod string
requestPath string
requestBytes int64
responseTime istio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStamp
responseCode int64
responseBytes int64
responseLatency istio.policy.v1beta1.Duration


An instance field of type Duration denotes that the expression for the field must evalaute to ValueType.DURATION

Objects of type Duration are also passed to the adapters during request-time for the instance fields of type Duration

Field Type Description
value google.protobuf.Duration2

Duration encoded as google.protobuf.Duration.


An instance field of type TimeStamp denotes that the expression for the field must evalaute to ValueType.TIMESTAMP

Objects of type TimeStamp are also passed to the adapters during request-time for the instance fields of type TimeStamp

Field Type Description
value google.protobuf.Timestamp3

TimeStamp encoded as google.protobuf.Timestamp.