Metrics, Logs, and Traces
Describes tasks that demonstrate how to collect telemetry information from the service mesh.
- Distributed Tracing. How to configure the proxies to send tracing requests to Zipkin or Jaeger
- Collecting Metrics and Logs. This task shows you how to configure Istio to collect metrics and logs.
- Collecting Metrics for TCP services. This task shows you how to configure Istio to collect metrics for TCP services.
- Querying Metrics from Prometheus. This task shows you how to query for Istio Metrics using Prometheus.
- Visualizing Metrics with Grafana. This task shows you how to setup and use the Istio Dashboard to monitor mesh traffic.
- Generating a Service Graph. This task shows you how to generate a graph of services within an Istio mesh.
- Logging with Fluentd. This task shows you how to configure Istio to log to a Fluentd daemon