Service Control Report
The servicecontrolreport
template is used by the Google Service Control adapter.
A template used by Google Service Control (servicecontrol) adapter. The adapter generates metrics and logentry for each request based on the data point defined by this template.
Config example:
apiVersion: ""
kind: servicecontrolreport
name: report
namespace: istio-system
api_version : api.version | ""
api_operation : api.operation | ""
api_protocol : api.protocol | ""
api_service : api.service | ""
api_key : api.key | ""
request_time : request.time
request_method : request.method
request_path : request.path
request_bytes: request.size
response_time : response.time
response_code : response.code | 520
response_bytes : response.size | 0
response_latency : response.duration | "0ms"