The kubernetes
template holds data that controls the production of Kubernetes-specific attributes.
OutputTemplate refers to the output from the adapter. It is used inside the attribute_binding section of the config to assign values to the generated attributes using the $out.<field name of the OutputTemplate>
The kubernetes
template represents data used to generate kubernetes-derived attributes.
The values provided controls the manner in which the kubernetesenv adapter discovers and generates values related to pod information.
Example config:
apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
kind: kubernetes
name: attributes
namespace: istio-system
# Pass the required attribute data to the adapter
source_uid: source.uid | ""
source_ip: source.ip | ip("") # default to unspecified ip addr
destination_uid: destination.uid | ""
destination_ip: destination.ip | ip("") # default to unspecified ip addr
# Fill the new attributes from the adapter produced output.
# $out refers to an instance of OutputTemplate message
source.ip: $out.source_pod_ip
source.labels: $out.source_labels
source.namespace: $out.source_namespace
source.service: $out.source_service
source.serviceAccount: $out.source_service_account_name
destination.ip: $out.destination_pod_ip
destination.labels: $out.destination_labels
destination.namespace: $out.destination_mamespace
destination.service: $out.destination_service
destination.serviceAccount: $out.destination_service_account_name