Announcing Istio 1.8.6

Patch Release

This release fixes the security vulnerabilities described in our May 11th posts, ISTIO-SECURITY-2021-005 and ISTIO-SECURITY-2021-006.

Security update


  • Added security best practice for authorization policies

  • Fixed istiod so it will no longer generate listeners for privileged gateway ports (<1024) if the gateway Pod does not have sufficient permissions. Issue 27566

  • Fixed an issue where transport socket parameters are now taken into account when configured in EnvoyFilter. Issue 28996

  • Fixed PeerAuthentication to not turn off mTLS while using multi-network, non-mTLS endpoints from the cross-network load-balancing endpoints to prevent 500 errors. Issue 28798

  • Fixed a bug causing runaway logs in istiod after disabling the default ingress controller. Issue 31336

  • Fixed the Kubernetes API server so it is now considered to be cluster-local by default . This means that any pod attempting to reach kubernetes.default.svc will always be directed to the in-cluster server. Issue 31340

  • Fixed Istio operator to prune resources that do not belong to the specific Istio operator CR. Issue 30833

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