Announcing Istio 1.8.3

Patch Release

This release contains bug fixes to improve stability. This release note describes what’s different between Istio 1.8.2 and Istio 1.8.3


Istio 1.8.3 will not contain a security fix as previously announced on There is no currently planned date at this time. Be assured that this is a top priority for the Istio Product Security Working Group, but due to the details we cannot release more information at this time. An announcement regarding the delay can be found here.


  • Fixed an issue with aggregate cluster during TLS init in Envoy (Issue #28620)

  • Fixed an issue causing Istio 1.8 to configure Istio 1.7 proxies incorrectly when using the Sidecar ingress configuration. (Issue #30437)

  • Fixed a bug where DNS agent preview produces malformed DNS responses. (Issue #28970)

  • Fixed a bug where the env K8S settings are overridden by the env settings in the helm values. (Issue #30079)

  • Fixed a bug where istioctl dashboard controlz could not port forward to istiod pod. (Issue #30208)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ingress resources created with IngressClass from having their status field updated (Issue #25308)

  • Fixed an issue where the TLSv2 version was enforced only on HTTP ports. This option is now applied to all ports. (PR #30590)

  • Fixed issues resulting in missing routes when using httpsRedirect in a Gateway. (Issue #27315),(Issue #27157)

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