Google Kubernetes Engine

Follow these instructions to prepare a GKE cluster for Istio.

  1. Create a new cluster.

    $ export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value project` && \
      export M_TYPE=n1-standard-2 && \
      export ZONE=us-west2-a && \
      export CLUSTER_NAME=${PROJECT_ID}-${RANDOM} && \
      gcloud services enable && \
      gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --cluster-version latest \
      --machine-type=$M_TYPE \
      --num-nodes 4 \
      --zone $ZONE \
      --project $PROJECT_ID
  2. Retrieve your credentials for kubectl.

    $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME \
        --zone $ZONE \
        --project $PROJECT_ID
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