Accessing External Services
Because all outbound traffic from an Istio-enabled pod is redirected to its sidecar proxy by default, accessibility of URLs outside of the cluster depends on the configuration of the proxy. By default, Istio configures the Envoy proxy to passthrough requests for unknown services. Although this provides a convenient way to get started with Istio, configuring stricter control is usually preferable.
This task shows you how to access external services in three different ways:
- Allow the Envoy proxy to pass requests through to services that are not configured inside the mesh.
- Configure service entries2 to provide controlled access to external services.
- Completely bypass the Envoy proxy for a specific range of IPs.
Before you begin
Setup Istio by following the instructions in the Installation guide3. Use the
configuration profile4 or otherwise enable Envoy’s access logging.Deploy the sleep5 sample app to use as a test source for sending requests. If you have automatic sidecar injection enabled, run the following command to deploy the sample app:
Otherwise, manually inject the sidecar before deploying the
application with the following command:Set the
environment variable to the name of your source pod:
Envoy passthrough to external services
Istio has an installation option,
, that configures the sidecar handling
of external services, that is, those services that are not defined in Istio’s internal service registry.
If this option is set to ALLOW_ANY
, the Istio proxy lets calls to unknown services pass through.
If the option is set to REGISTRY_ONLY
, then the Istio proxy blocks any host without an HTTP service or
service entry defined within the mesh.
is the default value, allowing you to start evaluating Istio quickly,
without controlling access to external services.
You can then decide to configure access to external services later.
To see this approach in action you need to ensure that your Istio installation is configured with the
option set toALLOW_ANY
. Unless you explicitly set it toREGISTRY_ONLY
mode when you installed Istio, it is probably enabled by default.Run the following command to verify that
option is set toALLOW_ANY
or is omitted:You should either see
or no output (defaultALLOW_ANY
).Make a couple of requests to external HTTPS services from the
to confirm successful200
Congratulations! You successfully sent egress traffic from your mesh.
This simple approach to access external services, has the drawback that you lose Istio monitoring and control for traffic to external services. The next section shows you how to monitor and control your mesh’s access to external services.
Controlled access to external services
Using Istio ServiceEntry
configurations, you can access any publicly accessible service
from within your Istio cluster. This section shows you how to configure access to an external HTTP service,
httpbin.org7, as well as an external HTTPS service, without losing Istio’s traffic monitoring and control features.
Change to the blocking-by-default policy
To demonstrate the controlled way of enabling access to external services, you need to change the
option from the ALLOW_ANY
mode to the REGISTRY_ONLY
Change the
.If you used an
CR to install Istio, add the following field to your configuration:Otherwise, add the equivalent setting to your original
istioctl install
command, for example:Make a couple of requests to external HTTPS services from
to verify that they are now blocked:
Access an external HTTP service
Create a
to allow access to an external HTTP service.Make a request to the external HTTP service from
:Note the headers added by the Istio sidecar proxy:
.Check the log of the sidecar proxy of
:Note the entry related to your HTTP request to
Access an external HTTPS service
Create a
to allow access to an external HTTPS service.Make a request to the external HTTPS service from
:Check the log of the sidecar proxy of
:Note the entry related to your HTTPS request to
Manage traffic to external services
Similar to inter-cluster requests, Istio
routing rules
can also be set for external services that are accessed using ServiceEntry
In this example, you set a timeout rule on calls to the
From inside the pod being used as the test source, make a curl request to the
endpoint of the external service:The request should return 200 (OK) in approximately 5 seconds.
to set a 3s timeout on calls to
external service:Wait a few seconds, then make the curl request again:
This time a 504 (Gateway Timeout) appears after 3 seconds. Although was waiting 5 seconds, Istio cut off the request at 3 seconds.
Cleanup the controlled access to external services
Direct access to external services
If you want to completely bypass Istio for a specific IP range,
you can configure the Envoy sidecars to prevent them from
external requests. To set up the bypass, change either the global.proxy.includeIPRanges
or the global.proxy.excludeIPRanges
configuration option10 and
update the istio-sidecar-injector
configuration map using the kubectl apply
command. This can also
be configured on a pod by setting corresponding annotations11 such as
After updating the istio-sidecar-injector
configuration, it affects all
future application pod deployments.
A simple way to exclude all external IPs from being redirected to the sidecar proxy is
to set the global.proxy.includeIPRanges
configuration option to the IP range or ranges
used for internal cluster services.
These IP range values depend on the platform where your cluster runs.
Determine the internal IP ranges for your platform
Set the value of
according to your cluster provider.
IBM Cloud Private
Get your
from IBM Cloud Private configuration file undercluster/config.yaml
:The following is a sample output:
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Use --set"\,\,"
Google Container Engine (GKE)
The ranges are not fixed, so you will need to run the gcloud container clusters describe
command to determine the
ranges to use. For example:
Use --set"\,"
Azure Container Service(ACS)
Use --set"\,
Minikube, Docker For Desktop, Bare Metal
The default value is
, but it’s not fixed. Use the following command to determine your actual value:
Use --set""
Configuring the proxy bypass
Update your istio-sidecar-injector
configuration map using the IP ranges specific to your platform.
For example, if the range is, use the following command:
Use the same command that you used to install Istio12 and
add --set""
Access the external services
Because the bypass configuration only affects new deployments, you need to terminate and then redeploy the sleep
application as described in the Before you begin section.
After updating the istio-sidecar-injector
configmap and redeploying the sleep
the Istio sidecar will only intercept and manage internal requests
within the cluster. Any external request bypasses the sidecar and goes straight to its intended destination.
For example:
Unlike accessing external services through HTTP or HTTPS, you don’t see any headers related to the Istio sidecar and the requests sent to external services do not appear in the log of the sidecar. Bypassing the Istio sidecars means you can no longer monitor the access to external services.
Cleanup the direct access to external services
Update the configuration to stop bypassing sidecar proxies for a range of IPs:
Understanding what happened
In this task you looked at three ways to call external services from an Istio mesh:
Configuring Envoy to allow access to any external service.
Use a service entry to register an accessible external service inside the mesh. This is the recommended approach.
Configuring the Istio sidecar to exclude external IPs from its remapped IP table.
The first approach directs traffic through the Istio sidecar proxy, including calls to services that are unknown inside the mesh. When using this approach, you can’t monitor access to external services or take advantage of Istio’s traffic control features for them. To easily switch to the second approach for specific services, simply create service entries for those external services. This process allows you to initially access any external service and then later decide whether or not to control access, enable traffic monitoring, and use traffic control features as needed.
The second approach lets you use all of the same Istio service mesh features for calls to services inside or outside of the cluster. In this task, you learned how to monitor access to external services and set a timeout rule for calls to an external service.
The third approach bypasses the Istio sidecar proxy, giving your services direct access to any external server. However, configuring the proxy this way does require cluster-provider specific knowledge and configuration. Similar to the first approach, you also lose monitoring of access to external services and you can’t apply Istio features on traffic to external services.
Security note
To implement egress traffic control in a more secure way, you must direct egress traffic through an egress gateway13 and review the security concerns described in the additional security considerations section.
Shutdown the sleep5 service: