Announcing Istio 1.5.3

Patch Release

Due to a publishing error, the 1.5.3 images do not contain the fix for CVE-2020-10739 as claimed in the original announcement.

This release contains bug fixes to improve robustness. This release note describes what’s different between Istio 1.5.3 and Istio 1.5.2.


  • Fixed the Helm installer to install Kiali using a dynamically generated signing key.
  • Fixed overlaying the generated Kubernetes resources for addon components with user-defined overlays (Issue 23048)
  • Fixed istio-sidecar.deb failing to start on Debian buster with iptables default nftables setting (Issue 23279)
  • Fixed the corresponding hash policy not being updated after the header name specified in DestinationRule.trafficPolicy.loadBalancer.consistentHash.httpHeaderName is changed (Issue 23434)
  • Fixed traffic routing when deployed in a namespace other than istio-system (Issue 23401)
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