
The Istio operator.

--kubeconfig <string>Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster. (default ``)
--master <--kubeconfig>(Deprecated: switch to --kubeconfig) The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster. (default ``)

operator server

Starts the Istio operator server

operator server [flags]
--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--kubeconfig <string>Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster. (default ``)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, default, installer, patch, tpath, translator, util, validation] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, installer, patch, tpath, translator, util, validation] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, installer, patch, tpath, translator, util, validation] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)
--master <--kubeconfig>(Deprecated: switch to --kubeconfig) The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster. (default ``)

operator version

Prints out build version information

operator version [flags]
--kubeconfig <string>Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster. (default ``)
--master <--kubeconfig>(Deprecated: switch to --kubeconfig) The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster. (default ``)
--output <string>-oOne of 'yaml' or 'json'. (default ``)
--short-sUse --short=false to generate full version information

Environment variables

These environment variables affect the behavior of the operator command.
Variable NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
CENTRAL_ISTIODBooleanfalseIf this is set to true, one Istiod will control remote clusters including CA.
CLUSTER_IDStringKubernetesDefines the cluster and service registry that this Istiod instance is belongs to
ENABLE_CA_SERVERBooleantrueIf this is set to false, will not create CA server in istiod.
INJECTION_WEBHOOK_CONFIG_NAMEStringistio-sidecar-injectorName of the mutatingwebhookconfiguration to patch, if istioctl is not used.
ISTIOD_ADDRStringService name of istiod. If empty the istiod listener, certs will be disabled.
ISTIOD_CUSTOM_HOSTStringCustom host name of istiod that istiod signs the server cert.
ISTIO_DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUTTime Duration0sDefault Http and gRPC Request timeout
ISTIO_GPRC_MAXRECVMSGSIZEInteger4194304Sets the max receive buffer size of gRPC stream in bytes.
ISTIO_GPRC_MAXSTREAMSInteger100000Sets the maximum number of concurrent grpc streams.
JWT_POLICYStringthird-party-jwtThe JWT validation policy.
PILOT_CERT_PROVIDERStringistiodthe provider of Pilot DNS certificate.
PILOT_DEBOUNCE_AFTERTime Duration100msThe delay added to config/registry events for debouncing. This will delay the push by at least this internal. If no change is detected within this period, the push will happen, otherwise we'll keep delaying until things settle, up to a max of PILOT_DEBOUNCE_MAX.
PILOT_DEBOUNCE_MAXTime Duration10sThe maximum amount of time to wait for events while debouncing. If events keep showing up with no breaks for this time, we'll trigger a push.
PILOT_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY_RETENTIONTime Duration1m0sIf enabled, Pilot will keep track of old versions of distributed config for this duration.
PILOT_ENABLED_SERVICE_APISBooleanfalseIf this is set to true, support for Kubernetes service-apis (github.com/kubernetes-sigs/service-apis) will be enabled. This feature is currently experimental, and is off by default.
PILOT_ENABLE_ANALYSISBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will run istio analyzers and write analysis errors to the Status field of any Istio Resources
PILOT_ENABLE_CONFIG_DISTRIBUTION_TRACKINGBooleantrueIf enabled, Pilot will assign meaningful nonces to each Envoy configuration message, and allow users to interrogate which envoy has which config from the debug interface.
PILOT_ENABLE_CRD_VALIDATIONBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will validate CRDs while retrieving CRDs from kubernetes cache.Use this flag to enable validation of CRDs in Pilot, especially in deployments that do not have galley installed.
PILOT_ENABLE_EDS_DEBOUNCEBooleantrueIf enabled, Pilot will include EDS pushes in the push debouncing, configured by PILOT_DEBOUNCE_AFTER and PILOT_DEBOUNCE_MAX. EDS pushes may be delayed, but there will be fewer pushes. By default this is enabled
PILOT_ENABLE_EDS_FOR_HEADLESS_SERVICESBooleanfalseIf enabled, for headless service in Kubernetes, pilot will send endpoints over EDS, allowing the sidecar to load balance among pods in the headless service. This feature should be enabled if applications access all services explicitly via a HTTP proxy port in the sidecar.
PILOT_ENABLE_HEADLESS_SERVICE_POD_LISTENERSBooleantrueIf enabled, for a headless service/stateful set in Kubernetes, pilot will generate an outbound listener for each pod in a headless service. This feature should be disabled if headless services have a large number of pods.
PILOT_ENABLE_INCREMENTAL_MCPBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will set the incremental flag of the options in the mcp controller to true, and then galley may push data incrementally, it depends on whether the resource supports incremental. By default, this is false.
PILOT_ENABLE_LEGACY_INBOUND_LISTENERSBooleanfalseEnable legacy inbound listeners. When enabled, inbound redirection to port 15001 will be supported. If disabled, inbound requests must be directed to port 15006 and will be routed by a single listener. This is intended for migration purposes only.
PILOT_ENABLE_LOOP_BLOCKERBooleantrueIf enabled, Envoy will be configured to prevent traffic directly to the inbound/outbound ports (15001/15006). This prevents traffic loops. This option will be removed, and considered always enabled, in 1.9.
PILOT_ENABLE_MYSQL_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableMysqlFilter enables injection of `envoy.filters.network.mysql_proxy` in the filter chain.
PILOT_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_SNIFFING_FOR_INBOUNDBooleantrueIf enabled, protocol sniffing will be used for inbound listeners whose port protocol is not specified or unsupported
PILOT_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_SNIFFING_FOR_OUTBOUNDBooleantrueIf enabled, protocol sniffing will be used for outbound listeners whose port protocol is not specified or unsupported
PILOT_ENABLE_REDIS_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableRedisFilter enables injection of `envoy.filters.network.redis_proxy` in the filter chain.
PILOT_ENABLE_SERVICEENTRY_SELECT_PODSBooleantrueIf enabled, service entries with selectors will select pods from the cluster. It is safe to disable it if you are quite sure you don't need this feature
PILOT_ENABLE_STATUSBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will update the CRD Status field of all istio resources with reconciliation status.
PILOT_ENABLE_TCP_METADATA_EXCHANGEBooleantrueIf enabled, metadata exchange will be enabled for TCP using ALPN and Network Metadata Exchange filters in Envoy
PILOT_ENABLE_THRIFT_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableThriftFilter enables injection of `envoy.filters.network.thrift_proxy` in the filter chain.
PILOT_ENABLE_VIRTUAL_SERVICE_DELEGATEBooleanfalseIf enabled, Pilot will merge virtual services with delegates. By default, this is false, and virtualService with delegate will be ignored
PILOT_HTTP10BooleanfalseEnables the use of HTTP 1.0 in the outbound HTTP listeners, to support legacy applications.
PILOT_INBOUND_PROTOCOL_DETECTION_TIMEOUTTime Duration1sProtocol detection timeout for inbound listener
PILOT_INITIAL_FETCH_TIMEOUTTime Duration0sSpecifies the initial_fetch_timeout for config. If this time is reached without a response to the config requested by Envoy, the Envoy will move on with the init phase. This prevents envoy from getting stuck waiting on config during startup.
PILOT_PUSH_THROTTLEInteger100Limits the number of concurrent pushes allowed. On larger machines this can be increased for faster pushes
PILOT_SCOPE_GATEWAY_TO_NAMESPACEBooleanfalseIf enabled, a gateway workload can only select gateway resources in the same namespace. Gateways with same selectors in different namespaces will not be applicable.
PILOT_SIDECAR_USE_REMOTE_ADDRESSBooleanfalseUseRemoteAddress sets useRemoteAddress to true for side car outbound listeners.
PILOT_SKIP_VALIDATE_TRUST_DOMAINBooleanfalseSkip validating the peer is from the same trust domain when mTLS is enabled in authentication policy
PILOT_STATUS_BURSTInteger500If status is enabled, controls the Burst rate with which status will be updated. See https://godoc.org/k8s.io/client-go/rest#Config Burst
PILOT_STATUS_QPSFloating-Point100If status is enabled, controls the QPS with which status will be updated. See https://godoc.org/k8s.io/client-go/rest#Config QPS
PILOT_TRACE_SAMPLINGFloating-Point100Sets the mesh-wide trace sampling percentage. Should be 0.0 - 100.0. Precision to 0.01. Default is 100, not recommended for production use.
PILOT_USE_ENDPOINT_SLICEBooleanfalseIf enabled, Pilot will use EndpointSlices as the source of endpoints for Kubernetes services. By default, this is false, and Endpoints will be used. This requires the Kubernetes EndpointSlice controller to be enabled. Currently this is mutual exclusive - either Endpoints or EndpointSlices will be used
TERMINATION_DRAIN_DURATION_SECONDSInteger5The amount of time allowed for connections to complete on pilot-agent shutdown. On receiving SIGTERM or SIGINT, pilot-agent tells the active Envoy to start draining, preventing any new connections and allowing existing connections to complete. It then sleeps for the TerminationDrainDuration and then kills any remaining active Envoy processes.

Exported metrics

Metric NameTypeDescription
istio_buildLastValueIstio component build info
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