Upgrade Notes

This page describes changes you need to be aware of when upgrading from Istio 1.3.x to 1.4.x. Here, we detail cases where we intentionally broke backwards compatibility. We also mention cases where backwards compatibility was preserved but new behavior was introduced that would be surprising to someone familiar with the use and operation of Istio 1.3.

Traffic management

HTTP services on port 443

Services of type http are no longer allowed on port 443. This change was made to prevent protocol conflicts with external HTTPS services.

If you depend on this behavior, there are a few options:

  • Move the application to another port.
  • Change the protocol from type http to type tcp
  • Specify the environment variable PILOT_BLOCK_HTTP_ON_443=false to the Pilot deployment. Note: this may be removed in future releases.

See Protocol Selection for more information about specifying the protocol of a port

Regex Engine Changes

To prevent excessive resource consumption from large regular expressions, Envoy has moved to a new regular expression engine based on re2. Previously, std::regex was used. These two engines may have slightly different syntax; in particular, the regex fields are now limited to 100 bytes.

If you depend on specific behavior of the old regex engine, you can opt out of this change by adding the environment variable PILOT_ENABLE_UNSAFE_REGEX=true to the Pilot deployment. Note: this will be removed in future releases.

Configuration management

We introduced OpenAPI v3 schemas in the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) of Istio resources. The schemas describe the Istio resources and help ensure the Istio resources you create and modify are structurally correct.

If one or more fields in your configurations are unknown or have wrong types, they will be rejected by the Kubernetes API server when you create or modify Istio resources. This feature, CustomResourceValidation, is on by default for Kubernetes 1.9+ clusters. Please note that existing configurations already in Kubernetes are NOT affected if they stay unchanged.

To help with your upgrade, here are some steps you could take:

  • After upgrading Istio, run your Istio configurations with kubectl apply --dry-run so that you are able to know if the configurations can be accepted by the API server as well as any possible unknown and/or invalid fields to the API server. (DryRun feature is on by default for Kubernetes 1.13+ clusters.)
  • Use the reference documentation to confirm and correct the field names and data types.
  • In addition to structural validation, you can also use istioctl x analyze to help you detect other potential issues with your Istio configurations. Refer to here for more details.

If you choose to ignore the validation errors, add --validate=false to your kubectl command when you create or modify Istio resources. We strongly discourage doing so however, since it is willingly introducing incorrect configuration.

Leftover CRD

Istio 1.4 introduces a new CRD authorizationpolicies.security.istio.io for the authorization policy. Your cluster may have an interim leftover CRD authorizationpolicies.rbac.istio.io due to an internal implementation detail before Istio 1.4.

The leftover CRD is unused and you can safely remove it from the cluster using this command:

$ kubectl delete crd authorizationpolicies.rbac.istio.io --ignore-not-found=true
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