Announcing Istio 1.1.6

Patch Release

We’re pleased to announce the availability of Istio 1.1.6. Please see below for what’s changed.

Bug fixes

  • Fix Galley Helm charts so that the validatingwebhookconfiguration object can now deployed to a namespace other than istio-system (Issue 13625).
  • Additional Helm chart fixes for anti-affinity support: fix gatewaypodAntiAffinityRequiredDuringScheduling and podAntiAffinityLabelSelector match expressions and fix the default value for podAntiAffinityLabelSelector (Issue 13892).
  • Make Pilot handle a condition where Envoy continues to request routes for a deleted gateway while listeners are still draining (Issue 13739).

Small enhancements

  • If access logs are enabled, passthrough listener requests will be logged.
  • Make Pilot tolerate unknown JSON fields to make it easier to rollback to older versions during upgrade.
  • Add support for fallback secrets to SDS which Envoy can use instead of waiting indefinitely for late or non-existent secrets during startup (Issue 13853).
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