IBM Cloud

Follow these instructions to prepare a cluster for Istio using the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. To install Istio on IBM Cloud Private, refer to Istio on IBM Cloud Private instead.

To prepare a cluster before manually installing Istio, proceed as follows:

  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI, the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service plug-in, and the Kubernetes CLI.

  2. Create a standard Kubernetes cluster using the following command. Replace <cluster-name> with the name you want to use for your cluster and <zone-name> with the name of an available zone.

    $ ibmcloud ks cluster-create --zone <zone-name> --machine-type b3c.4x16 \
      --workers 3 --name <cluster-name>
  3. Run the following command to download your cluster configuration for kubectl and then set the KUBECONFIG environment variable as specified in the command output.

    $ ibmcloud ks cluster-config <cluster-name>
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