Apache SkyWalking
Adapter to deliver metrics to Apache SkyWalking.
Mixer adapters allow Istio to interface to a variety of infrastructure backends for such things as metrics and logs.
Adapter to deliver metrics to Apache SkyWalking.
Adapter for Apigee's distributed policy checks and analytics.
Adapter to enforce authentication and authorization policies for web apps and APIs.
Adapter for circonus.com's monitoring solution.
Adapter for cloudmonitor metrics.
Adapter for cloudwatch metrics.
Adapter to deliver metrics to a dogstatsd agent for delivery to DataDog.
Adapter that always returns a precondition denial.
Adapter that delivers logs to a Fluentd daemon.
Adapter that extracts information from a Kubernetes environment.
Adapter that performs whitelist or blacklist checks.
Adapter for a simple in-memory quota management system.
An Istio Mixer adapter to send telemetry data to New Relic.
Adapter that implements an Open Policy Agent engine.
Adapter that exposes Istio metrics for ingestion by a Prometheus harvester.
Adapter for a Redis-based quota management system.
Adapter to deliver logs and metrics to Papertrail and AppOptics backends.
Adapter to deliver logs, metrics, and traces to Stackdriver.
Adapter to deliver metrics to a StatsD backend.
Adapter to locally output logs and metrics.
Adapter to deliver metrics to Wavefront by VMware.
Adapter to deliver tracing data to Zipkin.
The table below shows the set of templates that are implemented by each supported adapter.