Expanding into New Frontiers - Smart DNS Proxying in Istio

Workload Local DNS resolution to simplify VM integration, multicluster, and more.

Nov 12, 2020 | By Shriram Rajagopalan - Tetrate.io on behalf of Istio Networking WG

DNS resolution is a vital component of any application infrastructure on Kubernetes. When your application code attempts to access another service in the Kubernetes cluster or even a service on the internet, it has to first lookup the IP address corresponding to the hostname of the service, before initiating a connection to the service. This name lookup process is often referred to as service discovery. In Kubernetes, the cluster DNS server, be it kube-dns or CoreDNS, resolves the service’s hostname to a unique non-routable virtual IP (VIP), if it is a service of type clusterIP. The kube-proxy on each node maps this VIP to a set of pods of the service, and forwards the traffic to one of them selected at random. When using a service mesh, the sidecar works similarly to the kube-proxy as far as traffic forwarding is concerned.

The following diagram depicts the role of DNS today:

Role of DNS in Istio, today
Role of DNS in Istio, today

Problems posed by DNS

While the role of DNS within the service mesh may seem insignificant, it has consistently stood in the way of expanding the mesh to VMs and enabling seamless multicluster access.

VM access to Kubernetes services

Consider the case of a VM with a sidecar. As shown in the illustration below, applications on the VM look up the IP addresses of services inside the Kubernetes cluster as they typically have no access to the cluster’s DNS server.

DNS resolution issues on VMs accessing Kubernetes services
DNS resolution issues on VMs accessing Kubernetes services

It is technically possible to use kube-dns as a name server on the VM if one is willing to engage in some convoluted workarounds involving dnsmasq and external exposure of kube-dns using NodePort services: assuming you manage to convince your cluster administrator to do so. Even so, you are opening the door to a host of security issues. At the end of the day, these are point solutions that are typically out of scope for those with limited organizational capability and domain expertise.

External TCP services without VIPs

It is not just the VMs in the mesh that suffer from the DNS issue. For the sidecar to accurately distinguish traffic between two different TCP services that are outside the mesh, the services must be on different ports or they need to have a globally unique VIP, much like the clusterIP assigned to Kubernetes services. But what if there is no VIP? Cloud hosted services like hosted databases, typically do not have a VIP. Instead, the provider’s DNS server returns one of the instance IPs that can then be directly accessed by the application. For example, consider the two service entries below, pointing to two different AWS RDS services:

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: ServiceEntry
  name: db1
  namespace: ns1
  - mysql-instance1.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
  - name: mysql
    number: 3306
    protocol: TCP
  resolution: DNS
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: ServiceEntry
  name: db2
  namespace: ns1
  - mysql-instance2.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
  - name: mysql
    number: 3306
    protocol: TCP
  resolution: DNS

The sidecar has a single listener on that looks up the IP address of mysql-instance1.us-east1.rds.amazonaws.com from public DNS servers and forwards traffic to it. It cannot route traffic to db2 as it has no way of distinguishing whether traffic arriving at is bound for db1 or db2. The only way to accomplish this is to set the resolution to NONE causing the sidecar to blindly forward any traffic on port 3306 to the original IP requested by the application. This is akin to punching a hole in the firewall allowing all traffic to port 3306 irrespective of the destination IP. To get traffic flowing, you are now forced to compromise on the security posture of your system.

Resolving DNS for services in remote clusters

The DNS limitations of a multicluster mesh are well known. Services in one cluster cannot lookup the IP addresses of services in other clusters, without clunky workarounds such as creating stub services in the caller namespace.

Taking control of DNS

All in all, DNS has been a thorny issue in Istio for a while. It was time to slay the beast. We (the Istio networking team) decided to tackle the problem once and for all in a way that is completely transparent to you, the end user. Our first attempt involved utilizing Envoy’s DNS proxy. It turned out to be very unreliable, and disappointing overall due to the general lack of sophistication in the c-ares DNS library used by Envoy. Determined to solve the problem, we decided to implement the DNS proxy in the Istio sidecar agent, written in Go. We were able to optimize the implementation to handle all the scenarios that we wanted to tackle without compromising on scale and stability. The Go DNS library we use is the same one used by scalable DNS implementations such as CoreDNS, Consul, Mesos, etc. It has been battle tested in production for scale and stability.

Starting with Istio 1.8, the Istio agent on the sidecar will ship with a caching DNS proxy, programmed dynamically by Istiod. Istiod pushes the hostname-to-IP-address mappings for all the services that the application may access based on the Kubernetes services and service entries in the cluster. DNS lookup queries from the application are transparently intercepted and served by the Istio agent in the pod or VM. If the query is for a service within the mesh, irrespective of the cluster that the service is in, the agent responds directly to the application. If not, it forwards the query to the upstream name servers defined in /etc/resolv.conf. The following diagram depicts the interactions that occur when an application tries to access a service using its hostname.

Smart DNS proxying in Istio sidecar agent
Smart DNS proxying in Istio sidecar agent

As you will see in the following sections, the DNS proxying feature has had an enormous impact across many aspects of Istio.

Reduced load on your DNS servers w/ faster resolution

The load on your cluster’s Kubernetes DNS server drops drastically as almost all DNS queries are resolved within the pod by Istio. The bigger the footprint of mesh on a cluster, the lesser the load on your DNS servers. Implementing our own DNS proxy in the Istio agent has allowed us to implement cool optimizations such as CoreDNS auto-path without the correctness issues that CoreDNS currently faces.

To understand the impact of this optimization, lets take a simple DNS lookup scenario, in a standard Kubernetes cluster without any custom DNS setup for pods - i.e., with the default setting of ndots:5 in /etc/resolv.conf. When your application starts a DNS lookup for productpage.ns1.svc.cluster.local, it appends the DNS search namespaces in /etc/resolv.conf (e.g., ns1.svc.cluster.local) as part of the DNS query, before querying the host as-is. As a result, the first DNS query that is actually sent out will look like productpage.ns1.svc.cluster.local.ns1.svc.cluster.local, which will inevitably fail DNS resolution when Istio is not involved. If your /etc/resolv.conf has 5 search namespaces, the application will send two DNS queries for each search namespace, one for the IPv4 A record and another for the IPv6 AAAA record, and then a final pair of queries with the exact hostname used in the code. Before establishing the connection, the application performs 12 DNS lookup queries for each host!

With Istio’s implementation of the CoreDNS style auto-path technique, the sidecar agent will detect the real hostname being queried within the first query and return a cname record to productpage.ns1.svc.cluster.local as part of this DNS response, as well as the A/AAAA record for productpage.ns1.svc.cluster.local. The application receiving this response can now extract the IP address immediately and proceed to establishing a TCP connection to that IP. The smart DNS proxy in the Istio agent dramatically cuts down the number of DNS queries from 12 to just 2!

VMs to Kubernetes integration

Since the Istio agent performs local DNS resolution for services within the mesh, DNS lookup queries for Kubernetes services from VMs will now succeed without requiring clunky workarounds for exposing kube-dns outside the cluster. The ability to seamlessly resolve internal services in a cluster will now simplify your monolith to microservice journey, as the monolith on VMs can now access microservices on Kubernetes without additional levels of indirection via API gateways.

Automatic VIP allocation where possible

You may ask, how does this DNS functionality in the agent solve the problem of distinguishing between multiple external TCP services without VIPs on the same port?

Taking inspiration from Kubernetes, Istio will now automatically allocate non-routable VIPs (from the Class E subnet) to such services as long as they do not use a wildcard host. The Istio agent on the sidecar will use the VIPs as responses to the DNS lookup queries from the application. Envoy can now clearly distinguish traffic bound for each external TCP service and forward it to the right target. With the introduction of the DNS proxying, you will no longer need to use resolution: NONE for non-wildcard TCP services, improving your overall security posture. Istio cannot help much with wildcard external services (e.g., *.us-east1.rds.amazonaws.com). You will have to resort to NONE resolution mode to handle such services.

Multicluster DNS lookup

For the adventurous lot, attempting to weave a multicluster mesh where applications directly call internal services of a namespace in a remote cluster, the DNS proxy functionality comes in quite handy. Your applications can resolve Kubernetes services on any cluster in any namespace, without the need to create stub Kubernetes services in every cluster.

The benefits of the DNS proxy extend beyond the multicluster models that are currently described in Istio today. At Tetrate, we use this mechanism extensively in our customers’ multicluster deployments to enable sidecars to resolve DNS for hosts exposed at ingress gateways of all the clusters in a mesh, and access them over mutual TLS.

Concluding thoughts

The problems caused by lack of control over DNS have often been overlooked and ignored in its entirety when it comes to weaving a mesh across many clusters, different environments, and integrating external services. The introduction of a caching DNS proxy in the Istio sidecar agent solves these issues. Exercising control over the application’s DNS resolution allows Istio to accurately identify the target service to which traffic is bound, and enhance the overall security, routing, and telemetry posture in Istio within and across clusters.

Smart DNS proxying is enabled in the preview profile in Istio 1.8. Please try it out!

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