
Istio Pilot provides fleet-wide traffic management capabilities in the Istio Service Mesh.

--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--keepaliveInterval <duration>The time interval if no activity on the connection it pings the peer to see if the transport is alive (default `30s`)
--keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge <duration>Maximum duration a connection will be kept open on the server before a graceful close. (default `2562047h47m16.854775807s`)
--keepaliveTimeout <duration>After having pinged for keepalive check, the client/server waits for a duration of keepaliveTimeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default `10s`)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)

pilot-discovery discovery

Start Istio proxy discovery service.

pilot-discovery discovery [flags]
--appNamespace <string>-aRestrict the applications namespace the controller manages; if not set, controller watches all namespaces (default ``)
--clusterRegistriesNamespace <string>Namespace for ConfigMap which stores clusters configs (default ``)
--configDir <string>Directory to watch for updates to config yaml files. If specified, the files will be used as the source of config, rather than a CRD client. (default ``)
--consulserverInterval <duration>Interval (in seconds) for polling the Consul service registry (default `2s`)
--consulserverURL <string>URL for the Consul server (default ``)
--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--disable-install-crdsDisable discovery service from verifying the existence of CRDs at startup and then installing if not detected. It is recommended to be disable for highly available setups.
--discoveryCacheEnable caching discovery service responses
--domain <string>DNS domain suffix (default `cluster.local`)
--grpcAddr <string>Discovery service grpc address (default `:15010`)
--httpAddr <string>Discovery service HTTP address (default `:8080`)
--keepaliveInterval <duration>The time interval if no activity on the connection it pings the peer to see if the transport is alive (default `30s`)
--keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge <duration>Maximum duration a connection will be kept open on the server before a graceful close. (default `2562047h47m16.854775807s`)
--keepaliveTimeout <duration>After having pinged for keepalive check, the client/server waits for a duration of keepaliveTimeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default `10s`)
--kubeconfig <string>Use a Kubernetes configuration file instead of in-cluster configuration (default ``)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)
--mcpInitialConnWindowSize <int>Max message size received by MCP's grpc client (default `1048576`)
--mcpInitialWindowSize <int>Max message size received by MCP's grpc client (default `1048576`)
--mcpMaxMsgSize <int>Max message size received by MCP's grpc client (default `4194304`)
--meshConfig <string>File name for Istio mesh configuration. If not specified, a default mesh will be used. (default `/etc/istio/config/mesh`)
--monitoringAddr <string>HTTP address to use for pilot's self-monitoring information (default `:15014`)
--namespace <string>-nSelect a namespace where the controller resides. If not set, uses ${POD_NAMESPACE} environment variable (default ``)
--networksConfig <string>File name for Istio mesh networks configuration. If not specified, a default mesh networks will be used. (default `/etc/istio/config/meshNetworks`)
--plugins <stringSlice>comma separated list of networking plugins to enable (default `[authn,authz,health,mixer]`)
--profileEnable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof
--registries <stringSlice>Comma separated list of platform service registries to read from (choose one or more from {Kubernetes, Consul, MCP, Mock}) (default `[Kubernetes]`)
--resync <duration>Controller resync interval (default `1m0s`)
--secureGrpcAddr <string>Discovery service grpc address, with https (default `:15012`)
--trust-domain <string>The domain serves to identify the system with spiffe (default ``)

pilot-discovery request

Makes an HTTP request to Pilot metrics/debug endpoint

pilot-discovery request <method> <path> [<body>] [flags]
--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--keepaliveInterval <duration>The time interval if no activity on the connection it pings the peer to see if the transport is alive (default `30s`)
--keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge <duration>Maximum duration a connection will be kept open on the server before a graceful close. (default `2562047h47m16.854775807s`)
--keepaliveTimeout <duration>After having pinged for keepalive check, the client/server waits for a duration of keepaliveTimeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default `10s`)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)

pilot-discovery version

Prints out build version information

pilot-discovery version [flags]
--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--keepaliveInterval <duration>The time interval if no activity on the connection it pings the peer to see if the transport is alive (default `30s`)
--keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge <duration>Maximum duration a connection will be kept open on the server before a graceful close. (default `2562047h47m16.854775807s`)
--keepaliveTimeout <duration>After having pinged for keepalive check, the client/server waits for a duration of keepaliveTimeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default `10s`)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [ads, all, default, mcp, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)
--output <string>-oOne of 'yaml' or 'json'. (default ``)
--short-sDisplays a short form of the version information

Environment variables

These environment variables affect the behavior of the pilot-discovery command.
Variable NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
PILOT_ENABLE_FALLTHROUGH_ROUTEBooleantrueEnableFallthroughRoute provides an option to add a final wildcard match for routes. When ALLOW_ANY traffic policy is used, a Passthrough cluster is used. When REGISTRY_ONLY traffic policy is used, a 502 error is returned.
PILOT_ENABLE_MYSQL_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableMysqlFilter enables injection of `envoy.filters.network.mysql_proxy` in the filter chain.
PILOT_ENABLE_REDIS_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableRedisFilter enables injection of `envoy.filters.network.redis_proxy` in the filter chain.
PILOT_INITIAL_FETCH_TIMEOUTTime Duration0sSpecifies the initial_fetch_timeout for config. If this time is reached without a response to the config requested by Envoy, the Envoy will move on with the init phase. This prevents envoy from getting stuck waiting on config during startup.
PILOT_SIDECAR_USE_REMOTE_ADDRESSBooleanfalseUseRemoteAddress sets useRemoteAddress to true for side car outbound listeners.
V2_REFRESHTime Duration0s


These resource annotations are used by the pilot-discovery command.
Annotation NameDescription
policy.istio.io/checkDetermines the policy for behavior when unable to connect to Mixer. If not set, FAIL_CLOSE is set, rejecting requests.
policy.istio.io/checkBaseRetryWaitTimeBase time to wait between retries, will be adjusted by backoff and jitter. In duration format. If not set, this will be 80ms.
policy.istio.io/checkMaxRetryWaitTimeMaximum time to wait between retries to Mixer. In duration format. If not set, this will be 1000ms.
policy.istio.io/checkRetriesThe maximum number of retries on transport errors to Mixer. If not set, this will be 0, indicating no retries.
sidecar.istio.io/statsInclusionPrefixesSpecifies the comma separated list of prefixes of the stats to be emitted by Envoy.
sidecar.istio.io/statsInclusionRegexpsSpecifies the comma separated list of regexes the stats should match to be emitted by Envoy.
sidecar.istio.io/statsInclusionSuffixesSpecifies the comma separated list of suffixes of the stats to be emitted by Envoy.

Exported metrics

Metric NameTypeDescription