
Istio Certificate Authority (CA).

istio_ca [flags]
--append-dns-namesAppend DNS names to the certificates for webhook services.
--cert-chain <string>Path to the certificate chain file. (default ``)
--citadel-storage-namespace <string>Namespace where the Citadel pod is running. Will not be used if explicit file or other storage mechanism is specified. (default `istio-system`)
--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--custom-dns-names <string>The list of account.namespace:customdns names, separated by comma. (default ``)
--enable-profilingEnabling profiling when monitoring Citadel.
--experimental-dual-useEnable dual-use mode. Generates certificates with a CommonName identical to the SAN.
--explicit-opt-inSpecifies whether Citadel requires explicit opt-in for creating secrets. If set, only namespaces labeled with 'istio-managed=enabled' will have secrets created. This feature is only available in key and certificates delivered through secret volume mount.
--grpc-host-identities <string>The list of hostnames for istio ca server, separated by comma. (default `istio-ca,istio-citadel`)
--grpc-port <int>The port number for Citadel GRPC server. If unspecified, Citadel will not serve GRPC requests. (default `8060`)
--key-size <int>Size of generated private key. (default `2048`)
--kube-config <string>Specifies path to kubeconfig file. This must be specified when not running inside a Kubernetes pod. (default ``)
--listened-namespaces <string>Select the namespaces for the Citadel to listen to, separated by comma. If unspecified, Citadel tries to use the ${NAMESPACE} environment variable. If neither is set, Citadel listens to all namespaces. (default ``)
--liveness-probe-interval <duration>Interval of updating file for the liveness probe. (default `0s`)
--liveness-probe-path <string>Path to the file for the liveness probe. (default ``)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, default, model, rbac] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)
--max-workload-cert-ttl <duration>The max TTL of issued workload certificates. (default `2160h0m0s`)
--monitoring-port <int>The port number for monitoring Citadel. If unspecified, Citadel will disable monitoring. (default `15014`)
--org <string>Organization for the certificate. (default ``)
--pkcs8-keysWhether to generate PKCS#8 private keys.
--probe-check-interval <duration>Interval of checking the liveness of the CA. (default `30s`)
--read-signing-cert-onlyWhen set, Citadel only reads the self-signed signing key and cert from Kubernetes secret without generating one (if not exist). This flag avoids racing condition between multiple Citadels generating self-signed key and cert. Please make sure one and only one Citadel instance has this flag set to false.
--requested-ca-cert-ttl <duration>The requested TTL for the CA certificate. (default `8760h0m0s`)
--root-cert <string>Path to the root certificate file. (default ``)
--self-signed-caIndicates whether to use auto-generated self-signed CA certificate. When set to true, the '--signing-cert' and '--signing-key' options are ignored.
--self-signed-ca-cert-ttl <duration>The TTL of self-signed CA root certificate. (default `87600h0m0s`)
--server-onlyWhen set, Citadel only serves as a server without writing the Kubernetes secrets.
--sign-ca-certsWhether Citadel signs certificates for other CAs.
--signing-cert <string>Path to the CA signing certificate file. (default ``)
--signing-key <string>Path to the CA signing key file. (default ``)
--trust-domain <string>The domain serves to identify the system with SPIFFE. (default ``)
--upstream-ca-address <string>The IP:port address of the upstream CA. When set, the CA will rely on the upstream Citadel to provision its own certificate. (default ``)
--workload-cert-grace-period-ratio <float32>The workload certificate rotation grace period, as a ratio of the workload certificate TTL. (default `0.5`)
--workload-cert-min-grace-period <duration>The minimum workload certificate rotation grace period. (default `10m0s`)
--workload-cert-ttl <duration>The TTL of issued workload certificates. (default `2160h0m0s`)

istio_ca probe

Check the liveness or readiness of a locally-running server

istio_ca probe [flags]
--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--interval <duration>Duration used for checking the target file's last modified time. (default `0s`)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, default, model, rbac] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)
--probe-path <string>Path of the file for checking the availability. (default ``)

istio_ca version

Prints out build version information

istio_ca version [flags]
--ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use '*' to indicate all addresses. (default `localhost`)
--ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default `9876`)
--log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
--log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, default, model, rbac] (default ``)
--log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)
--log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default ``)
--log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)
--log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)
--log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)
--log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,... where scope can be one of [all, default, model, rbac] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)
--log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)
--output <string>-oOne of 'yaml' or 'json'. (default ``)
--short-sDisplays a short form of the version information

Environment variables

These environment variables affect the behavior of the istio_ca command.
Variable NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
PILOT_ENABLE_FALLTHROUGH_ROUTEBooleantrueEnableFallthroughRoute provides an option to add a final wildcard match for routes. When ALLOW_ANY traffic policy is used, a Passthrough cluster is used. When REGISTRY_ONLY traffic policy is used, a 502 error is returned.
PILOT_ENABLE_MYSQL_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableMysqlFilter enables injection of `` in the filter chain.
PILOT_ENABLE_REDIS_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableRedisFilter enables injection of `` in the filter chain.
PILOT_INITIAL_FETCH_TIMEOUTTime Duration0sSpecifies the initial_fetch_timeout for config. If this time is reached without a response to the config requested by Envoy, the Envoy will move on with the init phase. This prevents envoy from getting stuck waiting on config during startup.
PILOT_SIDECAR_USE_REMOTE_ADDRESSBooleanfalseUseRemoteAddress sets useRemoteAddress to true for side car outbound listeners.
V2_REFRESHTime Duration0s


These resource annotations are used by the istio_ca command.
Annotation NameDescription the policy for behavior when unable to connect to Mixer. If not set, FAIL_CLOSE is set, rejecting requests. time to wait between retries, will be adjusted by backoff and jitter. In duration format. If not set, this will be 80ms. time to wait between retries to Mixer. In duration format. If not set, this will be 1000ms. maximum number of retries on transport errors to Mixer. If not set, this will be 0, indicating no retries.

Exported metrics

Metric NameTypeDescription