Getting Involved
Istio is an open source project with an active community that supports its use and on-going development. We’d love for you to join us and get involved! There are quite a few ways to get plugged in:
Head for the Istio discussion board to ask questions,
participate in discussions, and get help troubleshooting problems. You can use your GitHub ID (or Google, Twitter or Yahoo) to log in!
Stack Overflow is for practical questions and curated answers
on deploying, configuring, and using Istio.
If you’d like to have live interactions with members of our community, you can join us on
Istio’s Slack workspace.
Fill out this form
to join.
Attend events on our Community calendar.
Follow us on Twitter to get the latest news.

GitHub is where development takes place on Istio code.
If you want to get into the nuts and bolts of Istio, check out our growing collection
of design documents. To access these, simply join the
istio-team-drive-access@ group.
Once you’ve done that, you can head straight to our
folder full of technical goodies.
If you’d like to contribute to the Istio project, learn how we do things and
consider participating in our
working groups.
Our Chinese-language documentation is maintained by the
ServiceMesher community, join us and get involved!