日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2023/04/05 | 虚拟机架构 | sync /ops/deployment/vm-architecture/. |
2023/04/05 | 版本支持 | sync supported-releases. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2023/03/31 | Istio ambient 模式中使用 eBPF 进行流量重定向 | Add blog: ambient ebpf redirection. |
2023/03/13 | 支持双栈 Kubernetes 集群 | [release-1.17] dual-stack blog for Chinese. |
2023/03/12 | “为 Istio 环境服务网格引入基于 Rust 的 Ztunnel" | [release-1.17] [zh]update blog rust-based-ztunnel in chinese. |
2023/03/12 | 部署模型 | [release-1.17] [zh]sync deployment-models. |
2023/03/02 | Authorization Policy | Update reference docs formatting. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2023/02/28 | 安全最佳实践 | sync /ops/best-practices/security/ |
2023/02/27 | 1.15.2 | translate releases/1.15.x/announcing-1.15.4. |
2023/02/27 | 1.15.4 | translate releases/1.15.x/announcing-1.15.4. |
2023/02/27 | 1.15.5 | translate releases/1.15.x/announcing-1.15.4. |
2023/02/27 | 1.15.6 | translate releases/1.15.x/announcing-1.15.4. |
2023/02/27 | 1.15.0 | translate releases/1.15.x/announcing-1.15.4. |
2023/02/26 | 配置请求路由 | sync traffic-management/request-routing. |
2023/02/26 | 镜像 | [release-1.17] [zh] sync traffic-management/mirroring. |
2023/02/26 | 使用 Helm 安装 | [release-1.17] remove explicit istio-injection labeling on ns for ingress-gateway. |
2023/02/23 | pilot-discovery | [release-1.17] Reference doc updates for 1.17.1. |
2023/02/23 | pilot-agent | [release-1.17] Reference doc updates for 1.17.1. |
2023/02/23 | operator | [release-1.17] Reference doc updates for 1.17.1. |
2023/02/23 | istioctl | [release-1.17] Reference doc updates for 1.17.1. |
2023/02/22 | Kubernetes Gateway API | sync /traffic-management/ingress/gateway-api/. |
2023/02/22 | TCP 流量转移 | sync /traffic-management/tcp-traffic-shifting/. |
2023/02/22 | 流量转移 | [release-1.17] [zh] sync traffic-management/traffic-shifting. |
2023/02/21 | Istio 1.17 升级说明 | sync /1.17x/announcing-1.17/upgrade-notes/. |
2023/02/21 | 加固 Docker 容器镜像 | [release-1.17] [zh] sync /security/harden-docker-images/. |
2023/02/19 | Istio 工作负载的最低 TLS 版本配置 | sync 2 files in /tasks/security. |
2023/02/19 | 明确拒绝 | sync 2 files in /tasks/security. |
2023/02/19 | minikube | sync /platform-setup/minikube/. |
2023/02/18 | 安全 | Fix the inconsistency between Chinese and English content. |
2023/02/16 | 使用 Kubernetes CSR 自定义 CA 集成 | sync /cert-management/custom-ca-k8s/. |
2023/02/16 | OpenCensus Agent | sync /distributed-tracing/opencensusagent/. |
2023/02/15 | 入口网关 | Add missing --set to install command. |
2023/02/15 | Apache SkyWalking | [release-1.17] [zh] sync /distributed-tracing/skywalking/. |
2023/02/14 | 使用外部控制平面安装 Istio | Resync page external-controlplane. |
2023/02/14 | DeploymentConflictingPorts | [zh] Resync page reference/config/analysis/ist0137. |
2023/02/14 | 1.4 变更说明 | [zh] sync content/zh/news/releases/1.4.x/announcing-1.4/change-notes/ |
2023/02/13 | Lightstep | [zh] Resync page distributed-tracing/lightstep. |
2023/02/12 | RequestAuthentication | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/02/12 | JWTRule | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/02/13 | 安全策略示例 | [zh] /security/security-policy-examples/. |
2023/02/13 | 提高 Kubernetes 的部署和管理效率 | [zh] sync /about/solutions/. |
2023/02/13 | 建立可观测性和 SRE 最佳实践 | [zh] sync /about/solutions/. |
2023/02/09 | 1.4.10 | Sync content/zh/news/releases/1.4.x/announcing-1.4.10/ |
2023/02/09 | 扩展性 | [zh] Fix some inaccurate or missing translations. |
2023/02/08 | 流量管理 | [zh] Fix some inaccurate descriptions. |
2023/02/07 | VirtualServiceIneffectiveMatch | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | VirtualServiceDestinationPortSelectorRequired | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | SchemaValidationError | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | MultipleSidecarsWithoutWorkloadSelectors | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Istio 先锋英国 AutoTrader 仍然受益 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Istio VMware | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Istio Red Hat | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | ExternalNameServiceTypeInvalidPortName | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | EnvoyFilterUsesRelativeOperationWithProxyVersion | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Deprecated | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 使用 AWS NLB 配置 Istio Ingress | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 使用 Admiral 管理 Istio 多集群的配置和服务发现 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 扩展和改进 WebAssemblyHub 给 Envoy 和 Istio 赋能 WebAssembly | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 对 Istio 1.4 的支持将于 2020 年 6 月 5 日终止 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-009 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.7.2 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-010 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.7.3 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 对 Istio 1.6 的支持将于 2020 年 11 月 21 日终止 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.7.4 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-011 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | IstioCon 2021:日程已上线! | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 零配置 Istio | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 对 Istio 1.8 的支持将于 2021 年 5 月 21 日终止 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 对 Istio 1.8 的支持已终止 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2021-007 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.9.6 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 中国首次 Istio meetup 圆满结束! | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.10.3 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Istio 1.9 的支持将于 2021 年 8 月 24 日终止 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.11.2 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.12.1 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 对 Istio 1.10 的支持已经结束 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.12.3 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2022-003 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.12.7 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 使用 Istio 和 CryptoMB 加速 TLS 的握手 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.12.9 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.13.6 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 1.15.3 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Atlassian | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 多集群流量管理 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 配置 Gateway 网络拓扑 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | T-Mobile | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Kubernetes Egress 流量服务 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 高级 Helm chart 自定义 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | ZOZO | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | WP Engine | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 入口网关 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 可观察性最佳实践 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Wildcard 主机的 egress | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Cash App | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 使用 Istioctl Analyze 诊断配置 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 使用 Grafana 可视化指标 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 生产测试 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 外部授权 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 镜像签名和验证 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 生态系统 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Istio 服务网格 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Zipkin | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 通过 Prometheus 查询度量指标 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 使用 Istio 扩展电子商务 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Grafana | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 自定义 Istio 指标 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Splunk | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 流量管理最佳实践 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 调试 Envoy 和 Istiod | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Airbnb | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Istio 1.12 升级说明 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Istio 1.14 更新说明 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 变化说明 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | WebAssembly 模块分发 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Jaeger | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Bookinfo 应用 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 文章头部 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | 设置本地计算机 | Update lint checker configuration. |
2023/02/07 | Upgrade with Helm | [zh] sync /setup/upgrade/helm/. |
2023/02/03 | kind | [zh] sync /setup/platform-setup/kind/. |
2023/02/02 | 本地运行微服务 | [zh] sync /examples/microservices-istio/single/. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2023/01/31 | Global Mesh Options | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/01/29 | Oracle Cloud 基础架构 | [zh] modify /setup/platform-setup/oci/. |
2023/01/28 | Apache SkyWalking | [zh] sync /ops/integrations/skywalking/. |
2023/01/23 | Gateway | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/01/16 | 在单集群中安装多个 Istio 控制面 | [zh] sync /setup/install/multiple-controlplanes/. |
2023/01/13 | Service Entry | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/01/11 | install-cni | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/01/11 | IstioOperator Options | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/01/11 | Kubernetes Gardener 快速开始 | [zh] sync /setup/platform-setup/gardener/. |
2023/01/10 | 安全漏洞 | [zh] sync /releases/security-vulnerabilities/. |
2023/01/09 | TCP 流量 | [zh] sync /authorization/authz-tcp/. |
2023/01/03 | Sidecar | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/01/03 | Destination Rule | Automator: update reference docs. |
2023/01/03 | 安装 Istio CNI 插件 | [zh] sync /setup/additional-setup/cni/. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/12/19 | 金丝雀升级 | fix: pods dont have label |
2022/12/19 | 1.16.1 | [zh] sync /1.16.x/announcing-1.16.1/. |
2022/12/19 | Envoy 的统计信息 | fix: envoy statistics config documentation. |
2022/12/16 | Istio 1.16 升级说明 | [zh] sync /1.16.x/announcing-1.16/upgrade-notes/. |
2022/12/15 | 1.16.0 | [zh] sync /news/releases/1.16.x/. |
2022/12/12 | Stats Config | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/12/12 | Stackdriver Config | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/12/12 | Metadata Exchange Config | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/12/12 | AttributeGen Config | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/12/12 | AccessLogPolicy Config | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/12/09 | 对 Istio 1.14 的支持将于 2022 年 12 月 27 日结束 | [zh] sync /news/support/announcing-1.14-eol/. |
2022/12/07 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2022-007 | [zh] sync /news/security/istio-security-2022-007/. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/11/29 | 定制安装配置 | updated 2 docs about fetching chart from URLs. |
2022/11/28 | Virtual Service | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/11/29 | 使用 Istioctl 安装 | [zh] sync /setup/install/istioctl/. |
2022/11/28 | 配置验证的问题 | [zh] sync /ops/common-problems/validation/. |
2022/11/25 | Ingress Sidecar TLS 终止 | zh: docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/ingress-sidecar-tls-termination. |
2022/11/25 | Wasm Plugin | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/11/24 | 使用 Kubernetes 运行 Bookinfo | [zh] sync /microservices-istio/bookinfo-kubernetes/. |
2022/11/24 | 设置 Kubernetes 集群 | [zh] sync /microservices-istio/setup-kubernetes-cluster/. |
2022/11/24 | 虚拟机安装 | [zh] sync/docs/setup/install/virtual-machine/ |
2022/11/22 | 流量管理问题 | [zh]: fix ommon-problems/network-issues/ |
2022/11/22 | 地域故障转移 | [zh]: fix locality-load-balancing/failover/ link fail. |
2022/11/21 | 网格可视化 | [zh] sync /tasks/observability/kiali/ |
2022/11/21 | 跨网络多主架构的安装 | [zh]: fix multi-primary_multi-network/ link fail. |
2022/11/21 | Kubernetes Ingress | [zh] sync /ingress/kubernetes-ingress/ |
2022/11/15 | Telemetry | Release 1.16 branch cut. |
2022/11/15 | Envoy Filter | Release 1.16 branch cut. |
2022/11/14 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2022-008 | [zh] sync /istio-security-2022-008/. |
2022/11/13 | 使用修订版本和标签安全地升级 Istio 控制平面 | [zh]sync content/zh/blog/2021/revision-tags/ |
2022/11/10 | 对 Istio 1.13 的支持将于 2022 年 10 月 12 日结束 | [zh] sync /news/support/announcing-1.13-eol/. |
2022/11/10 | 对 Istio 1.13 的支持已经结束 | [zh] sync /news/support/announcing-1.13-eol/. |
2022/11/05 | 2022 年 Istio 指导委员会选举结果 | [zh] sync blog/2022/steering-election-results/. |
2022/11/04 | 入门 | zh:sync /setup/getting-started/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/10/31 | Istio 标准指标 | sync content/zh/docs/reference/config/metrics/ |
2022/10/26 | 无 TLS 终止的 Ingress Gateway | zh: update docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/. |
2022/10/26 | 出口网关 | zh: update docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/. |
2022/10/25 | 为企业应用程序启用深度防御 | zh:sync /enabling-defense-in-depth-for-enterprise-applications/. |
2022/10/21 | 应用程序要求 | zh: docs/ops/deployment/requirements. |
2022/10/20 | 在 Istio 中扩展网关 API 的支持 | zh: chore. |
2022/10/20 | 安全网关 | zh: docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/secure-ingress/. |
2022/10/19 | DNS | zh: docs/ops/configuration/traffic-management/dns/. |
2022/10/17 | Workload Group | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/10/17 | Workload Entry | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/10/17 | ProxyConfig | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/10/17 | PeerAuthentication | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/10/17 | Istio Status | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/10/17 | Analysis Messages | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/10/18 | 双向 TLS 迁移 | zh:fix issues in /mtls-migration/ |
2022/10/15 | Istio Ambient Mesh 入门 | zh:sync /blog/2022/get-started-ambient/. |
2022/10/13 | Ambient Mesh 简介 | zh:sync /blog/2022/introducing-ambient-mesh/. |
2022/10/09 | 官宣:CNCF 正式接受 Istio 成为孵化项目 | zh:sync blog/2022/istio-accepted-into-cncf/. |
2022/10/09 | 1.14.3 | zh: localize /releases/1.14.x/announcing-1.14.3/. |
2022/10/09 | EnvoyFilterUsesAddOperationIncorrectly | zh: updated for ist0153. |
2022/10/07 | 1.15.1 | zh:sync announcing-1.15.1/. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/09/30 | Sidecar 自动注入问题 | fix bash command error. |
2022/09/29 | 安装 Sidecar | zh:sync /setup/additional-setup/sidecar-injection/. |
2022/09/27 | 原地升级 | zh:sync /setup/upgrade/in-place/. |
2022/09/27 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2021-006 | update content/zh/news/security/istio-security-2021-002/ |
2022/09/27 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2021-003 | update content/zh/news/security/istio-security-2021-002/ |
2022/09/27 | 生日快乐,Istio! | [zh]sync content/zh/blog/2021/istio-4th-birthday/ |
2022/09/27 | 在 productpage 启用 Istio | zh:sync path. |
2022/09/25 | 跨网络主-从架构的安装 | zh:sync /install/multicluster/primary-remote_multi-network/. |
2022/09/23 | Resource Labels | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/09/23 | Resource Annotations | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/09/22 | JWT 令牌 | [zh] Update docs/concepts/wasm. |
2022/09/22 | Istio 服务的健康检查 | zh: install/operator/index. |
2022/09/21 | 使用 Envoy 启用速率限制 | zh:sync tasks/policy-enforcement/rate-limit/. |
2022/09/20 | 可观测性 | zh:update docs/concepts/observability. |
2022/09/19 | 概述 | zh:sync /tasks/observability/distributed-tracing/overview/. |
2022/09/18 | HTTP 流量 | zh:sync content/zh/docs/tasks/security/authorization/authz-http/ |
2022/09/17 | 1.13.7 | [zh]Sync release notes for Istio 1.13.7. |
2022/09/15 | 1.13.8 | [zh]Sync Release notes for Istio 1.13.8. |
2022/09/14 | 1.14.4 | zh:sync /releases/1.14.x/announcing-1.14.4/. |
2022/09/13 | 使用 Istio Operator 安装 | zh: install/operator/index. |
2022/09/13 | EnvoyFilterUsesRelativeOperation | fix: INSERT_BEFORE to INSERT_FIRST. |
2022/09/10 | Egress TLS Origination | [zh]Sync content/zh/docs/tasks/traffic-management/egress/egress-tls-origi…. |
2022/09/08 | 准备工作 | zh:update/docs/setup/install/multicluster/before-you-begin/ |
2022/09/08 | Istio 1.15 升级说明 | [zh] sync /news/releases/1.15.x/announcing-1.15/upgrade-notes/ |
2022/09/08 | 1.12.5 | zh: sync /releases/1.12.x/announcing-1.12.5/. |
2022/09/08 | 1.12.6 | zh: sync /releases/1.12.x/announcing-1.12.6/. |
2022/09/06 | Workload Selector | Automator: update reference docs. |
2022/09/07 | 信任域迁移 | Sync content/zh/docs/tasks/traffic-management/egress/egress-tls-origination/ |
2022/09/04 | 状态字段配置 | Sync upstream content/zh/docs/ops/configuration/mesh/config-resource-ready/ |
2022/09/04 | 等待应用的配置资源状态就绪 | Sync upstream content/zh/docs/ops/configuration/mesh/config-resource-ready/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/08/30 | 1.14.2 | [zh]:Add-/news/releases/1.14.x/announcing-1.14.2/ |
2022/08/30 | 对 Istio 1.11 的支持已经结束 | zh: added /news/support/announcing-1.11-eol-final/. |
2022/08/25 | EnvoyFilterUsesRemoveOperationIncorrectly | zh: localize /reference/config/analysis/ist0154/. |
2022/08/24 | 对 Istio 1.12 的支持已经结束 | zh:sync /announcing-1.12-eol-final/ |
2022/08/22 | EnvoyFilterUsesReplaceOperationIncorrectly | zh: localize /reference/config/analysis/ist0152/. |
2022/08/12 | 组件日志记录 | zh: resync /docs/ops/diagnostic-tools/component-logging/. |
2022/08/12 | 插入 CA 证书 | zh: resync /tasks/security/cert-management/plugin-ca-cert/. |
2022/08/12 | 多集群下的故障排除 | zh: updated /ops/diagnostic-tools/multicluster/. |
2022/08/12 | 1.12.2 | zh: synch /releases/1.12.x/announcing-1.12.2/. |
2022/08/12 | 1.12.4 | zh: sync /releases/1.12.x/announcing-1.12.4/. |
2022/08/12 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2022-006 | Create |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/07/21 | Istio 1.13 升级说明 | zh-update/news/releases/1.13.x/announcing-1.13/upgrade-notes/ |
2022/07/19 | 1.14.0 | zh-translation:zh/news/releases/1.14.x/announcing-1.14/change-notes/ |
2022/07/18 | 1.13.0 | zh:zh-translation/news/releases/1.13.x/announcing-1.13/change-notes/i…. |
2022/07/13 | 主-从架构的安装 | Update |
2022/07/13 | Istio 已申请成为一个 CNCF 项目 | zh: resync /blog/2022/istio-has-applied-to-join-the-cncf/. |
2022/07/11 | 根据请求或响应对指标进行分类 | [zh] Add the new tasks page of 'Classifying Metrics Based on Request or Response'. |
2022/07/10 | 对 Istio 1.12 的支持将于 2022 年 7 月 12 日结束 | zh: sync news/support/announcing-1.12-eol/ |
2022/07/08 | 收集 TCP 服务指标 | [zh] Update tasks page of 'Collecting Metrics for TCP Services'. |
2022/07/08 | WebAssembly 模块的拉取策略 | zh:sync extensibility/wasm-pull-policy/ |
2022/07/08 | 平台前提条件 | zh:sync setup/platform-setup/prerequisites/ |
2022/07/05 | 华为云 | zh:sync setup/platform-setup/huaweicloud/ |
2022/07/05 | 阿里云 | zh:sync docs/setup/platform-setup/alicloud/ |
2022/07/05 | 1.12.0 | zh:news/releases/1.12.x/announcing-1.12/change-notes/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/06/24 | 1.13.5 | zh/news/releases/1.13.x/announcing-1.13.5/ |
2022/06/24 | Azure | zh:sync setup/platform-setup/azure/ |
2022/06/23 | 授权策略 | add Authorization Policy Condition. |
2022/06/23 | 故障注入 | [zh] minor changes of my first PR :). |
2022/06/22 | 使用 AppSwitch 进行 Sidestepping 依赖性排序 | Fix some misspellings in the spelling file. |
2022/06/22 | 重新定义代理的扩展性:Envoy 和 Istio 引入 WebAssembly | Fix some misspellings in the spelling file. |
2022/06/22 | 在 Istio 中进行 WebAssembly 声明式部署 | Fix some misspellings in the spelling file. |
2022/06/22 | 在 Istio 中使用 MOSN:另一个数据平面 | Fix some misspellings in the spelling file. |
2022/06/22 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2022-004 | Fix some misspellings in the spelling file. |
2022/06/22 | 添加代码块 | Fix some misspellings in the spelling file. |
2022/06/22 | 熔断 | Fix document omissions. |
2022/06/14 | 1.13.4 | Create |
2022/06/14 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2022-005 | zh/news/security/istio-security-2022-005/ |
2022/06/14 | 1.12.8 | zh:/news/releases/1.12.x/announcing-1.12.8/ |
2022/06/14 | 1.14.1 | zh-/news/releases/1.14.x/announcing-1.14.1/ |
2022/06/05 | PortNameIsNotUnderNamingConvention | revise. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/05/18 | 架构 | Update broken Envoy links ( |
2022/05/14 | 使用 MeshConfig 和 Pod 注释配置跟踪 | zh: docs/tasks/observability/distributed-tracing/mesh-and-proxy-config/ |
2022/05/14 | 动态准入 Webhook 概述 | zh: content/zh/docs/ops/configuration/mesh/webhook/ |
2022/05/14 | 安全问题 | zh: zh/common-problems/security-issues/ |
2022/05/13 | Merbridge - 使用 eBPF 实现网络加速 | zh: update blog 2022 merbridge. |
2022/05/10 | Kiali | zh: zh/integrations/kiali/ |
2022/05/04 | 使用 Prometheus 监控 Istio 多集群 | Update |
2022/05/03 | 宣布支持 1.8 到 1.10 的直接升级 | zh:/blog/2021/direct-upgrade/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/04/21 | 1.9 升级说明 | zh:/news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9/upgrade-notes/ |
2022/04/17 | 1.13.2 | Create |
2022/04/17 | 1.13.3 | zh:/news/releases/1.13.x/announcing-1.13.3/ |
2022/04/17 | 1.13.1 | Create |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/03/22 | 对 Istio 1.11 的支持将于 2022 年 3 月 25 日结束 | [zh] create about announcing-1.11-eol. |
2022/03/14 | 获取 Envoy 访问日志 | zh: update access-log. |
2022/03/10 | 报告错误 | sync en docs pr to zh:multicluster traffic management #10486. |
2022/03/10 | Docker Desktop | zh-translation: update docs/setup/platform-setup/docker/ |
2022/03/10 | Kops | zh-translation: update setup/platform-setup/kops/ |
2022/03/01 | 协议选择 | fix/content/zn/docs/ops/configuration/traffic-management/protocol-selection/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/02/18 | 性能和可扩展性 | zh: sync update performance-and-scalability doc to latest. |
2022/02/16 | Egress 网关的 TLS 发起过程 | Update |
2022/02/16 | Steering 和 TOC 更新 | zh:/blog/2021/steering-election/ |
2022/02/16 | 修订 - 对 Istio 1.9 的支持将于 2021 年 10 月 5 日结束 | Create |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2022/01/26 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2022-001 | zh-news/security/istio-security-2022-001/ |
2022/01/17 | 对 Istio 1.10 的支持将于 2021 年 12 月 30 日结束。 | Create |
2022/01/17 | 删除已停用的文档 | zh. |
2022/01/17 | 1.9.1 | Create |
2022/01/17 | 宣布对 Istio 1.9 的扩展支持 | zh. |
2022/01/14 | KubeSphere Container Platform | fix: translation styles. |
2022/01/14 | 腾讯云 | docs(zh): add guide to install istio in tencent cloud. |
2022/01/02 | InvalidApplicationUID | zh-translation-/docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0144/ |
2022/01/02 | Salesforce | zh:/about/case-studies/salesforce/ |
2022/01/02 | eBay | zh:about/case-studies/ebay/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/12/31 | FICO | Create |
2021/12/27 | 认证策略 | fix-#10609:zh-translation:docs/tasks/security/authentication/authn-policy/. |
2021/12/24 | 1.9.4 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9.4/ |
2021/12/24 | 1.9.7 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9.7/ |
2021/12/21 | 1.11.3 | zh-tranlation:news/releases/1.11.x/announcing-1.11.3/ |
2021/12/21 | 1.9.9 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9.9/ |
2021/12/21 | 1.9.5 | zh-tranlation:news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9.5/ |
2021/12/19 | 中国首次 Istio meetup 来了! | style: add spaces between letters. |
2021/12/17 | 1.11.5 | zh-translation: zh/news/releases/1.11.x/announcing-1.11.5/ |
2021/12/17 | 1.10.6 | zh/news/releases/1.10.x/announcing-1.10.6/ |
2021/12/17 | 1.9.2 | zh/news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9.2/ |
2021/12/16 | 1.10.5 | zh/news/releases/1.10.x/announcing-1.10.5/ |
2021/12/16 | 1.10.2 | zh/news/releases/1.10.x/announcing-1.10.2/ |
2021/12/16 | 1.10.1 | zh/new/1.101. |
2021/12/15 | Mixer 适配器模型 | remove deleted docs in english. |
2021/12/08 | 1.9.3 | zh/news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9.3/ |
2021/12/06 | 1.11.4 | zh-translation: zh/news/releases/1.11.x/announcing-1.11.4/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/11/30 | 基于 JWT 声明的路由 | zh-translation:zh\docs\tasks\security\authentication. |
2021/11/30 | Egress 网关 TLS 连接 发起的过程 (SDS) | fix weak algorithm. |
2021/11/16 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2021-008 | zh-translation:/news/security/istio-security-2021-008/ |
2021/11/15 | 使用 Google Kubernetes Engine 快速开始 | zh: sync several CNI related doc. |
2021/11/15 | 基于 Wasm 的遥测 | zh: flag experimental pages with dagger. |
2021/11/10 | OpenShift | sync istio's container user id. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/10/27 | 介绍新的 Istio 指导委员会 | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/steering-changes/ |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.3 的支持将于 2020 年 2 月 14 日终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.3(final). |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.3 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.3(final). |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.4 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.4-eol(final). |
2021/10/27 | 1.9.8 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.9.x/announcing-1.9.8/ |
2021/10/27 | 1.11.1 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.11.x/announcing-1.11.1/ |
2021/10/27 | 1.10.4 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.10.x/announcing-1.10.4/ |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.5 的支持将于 2020 年 8 月 21 日终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.5(final). |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.5 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.5(final). |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.6 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.6(final). |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.7 的支持将于 2021 年 2 月 19 日终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.7-eol-final. |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.7 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.7-eol-final. |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.9 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.9-eol-final. |
2021/10/27 | 对 Istio 1.2 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: news/support/announcing-1.2-eol-final. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/08/30 | 可观测性问题 | zh-translation: /zh/docs/ops/common-problems/observability-issues/ |
2021/08/25 | 安全管理 Webhook | zh-translation: blog/2019/webhook/ |
2021/08/24 | 延长 Istio 自签名根证书的有效期 | zh-translation: blog/2019/root-transition/ |
2021/08/20 | 博客策略更新! | zh-translation: blog/2019/sail-the-blog/ |
2021/08/19 | 介绍工作负载条目 | zh-translation: blog/2020/workload-entry/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/07/15 | 功能状态 | zh-translation/docs/releases/feature-stages/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/06/28 | 通过 Istioctl Describe 理解您的网格 | Upgrade the ops documents translate to Chinese. |
2021/06/28 | 使用 Istioctl 命令行工具 | Upgrade the ops documents translate to Chinese. |
2021/06/28 | 适用于 Knative 的 Mixer 适配器 | zh-translation: blog/2019/knative-activator-adapter/index.m. |
2021/06/25 | 添加一个新版本的 reviews | zh-translation: content/en/docs/examples/microservices-istio/add-new-microservice-version/ |
2021/06/24 | Istio API 的演变 | zh-translation: /content/en/docs/examples/microservices-istio/logs-istio/ |
2021/06/24 | 监控 Istio | zh-translation: /content/en/docs/examples/microservices-istio/logs-istio/ |
2021/06/17 | TLS 配置 | zh-translation/docs/ops/configuration/traffic-management/tls-configuration. |
2021/06/15 | 创建图表指南 | Update link to Shared Drive folder. |
2021/06/01 | istioctl analyze 介绍 | zh-translation: blog/2019/introducing-istioctl-analyze/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/05/29 | 移除跨 Pod Unix Domain Socket | zh-translation: blog/2020/istio-agent/ |
2021/05/28 | 使用 cert-manager 部署一个自定义 Ingress 网关 | zh-translation: blog/2019/custom-ingress-gateway/ |
2021/05/26 | Egress 网关性能测试 | zh-translation: blog/2019/egress-performance/ |
2021/05/26 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-002 | zh-translation: news/security/istio-security-2019-002/ |
2021/05/25 | Istio 1.3 Secret 服务发现的更改 | zh-translation: blog/2019/trustworthy-jwt-sds/ |
2021/05/20 | 参与社区 | Update the Community Drive URL in ZH. |
2021/05/20 | DNS 证书管理 | zh-translatio: blog/2019/dns-cert/ |
2021/05/19 | cert-manager | use |
2021/05/15 | Istio 论坛成立 | zh-translation: blog/2019/ |
2021/05/14 | 访问外部服务 | zh-translation: /docs/tasks/traffic-management/egress/egress-control/ |
2021/05/13 | 用于在生产环境进行测试的 Istio 流量镜像功能 | zh-translation: blog/2018/traffic-mirroring/ |
2021/05/13 | Istio 在 Twitch 上全天直播 | zh-translation: blog/2018/istio-twitch-stream/ |
2021/05/04 | 网站内容更改 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 使用 GitHub 参与社区活动 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 术语标准 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 风格指南 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 格式标准 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 使用 Shortcode | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 文档审阅流程 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 本地构建和运行本网站 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/04 | 添加新文档 | Sync the Istio new design about struct to Chinese version. |
2021/05/03 | 升级说明 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.7.x/announcing 1.7/upgrade-notes/ |
2021/05/01 | Istio 是惠普 FitStation 平台的改变者 | zh-translation:blog/2018/hp/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/04/30 | 1.7.5 | zh-translation/news/releases/1.7.x/announcing 1.7.5/ |
2021/04/30 | 2020 年指导委员会选举结果 | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/steering-election-results/ |
2021/04/30 | 为没有 sidecar 的应用程序提供证书和密钥 | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/proxy-cert/ |
2021/04/28 | 使用金丝雀控制平面部署安全升级 Istio | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/multiple-control-planes/ |
2021/04/27 | 开放和中立:将我们的商标转移到 Open Usage Commons | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/open-usage/ |
2021/04/27 | 在网格外部署多个控制平面 | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/new-deployment-model/ |
2021/04/27 | 加入我们,参加 2021 年的第一届 IstioCon! | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/istiocon-2021/ |
2021/04/27 | 重做我们的插件集成 | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/addon-rework/ |
2021/04/27 | 处理 Docker Hub 速率限制 | zh-translation:zh-translation/blog/2020/docker-rate-limit/ |
2021/04/23 | 1.8.2 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.8.x/announcing-1.8.2/ |
2021/04/22 | 1.7.6 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.7.x/announcing-1.7.6/ |
2021/04/21 | 流量管理 | Upgrade the menu items about Chinese. |
2021/04/21 | 分布式追踪 | Upgrade the menu items about Chinese. |
2021/04/21 | 度量和日志 | Upgrade the menu items about Chinese. |
2021/04/21 | 部署 | Upgrade the menu items about Chinese. |
2021/04/21 | 安全 | Upgrade the menu items about Chinese. |
2021/04/21 | 安装 | Upgrade the menu items about Chinese. |
2021/04/21 | 常见问题 | Upgrade the menu items about Chinese. |
2021/04/21 | 1.8.1 | zh-translation: news/releases/1.8.x/announcing-1.8.1/ |
2021/04/21 | 对 Istio 1.0 的支持将于 2019 年 6 月 19 日终止 | zh-translation: upgrade all support announce articles and format. |
2021/04/21 | 对 Istio 1.0 的支持已结束 | zh-translation: upgrade all support announce articles and format. |
2021/04/21 | 对 Istio 1.1 的支持将于 2019 年 9 月 19 日终止 | zh-translation: upgrade all support announce articles and format. |
2021/04/21 | 对 Istio 1.1 的支持已终止 | zh-translation: upgrade all support announce articles and format. |
2021/04/21 | 对 Istio 1.2 的支持将于 2019 年 12 月 13 日终止 | zh-translation: upgrade all support announce articles and format. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-001 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | Istio 1.2.4 sidecar 镜像漏洞 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-005 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-006 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-004 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-006 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-007 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-008 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/21 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2021-001 | zh-translation: update all Istio's security news. |
2021/04/15 | 清理 | zh-translation:/docs/tasks/traffic-management/locality-load-balancing. |
2021/04/15 | 地域权重分布 | zh-translation:/docs/tasks/traffic-management/locality-load-balancing. |
2021/04/15 | 开始之前 | zh-translation:/docs/tasks/traffic-management/locality-load-balancing. |
2021/04/12 | 1.7.1 | zh-translation:news/releases/1.7.x/announcing-1.7.1/ |
2021/04/10 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-003 | zh-translation: news/security/istio-security-2019-003/ |
2021/04/10 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-004 | zh-translation: news/security/istio-security-2019-004/ |
2021/04/09 | 虚拟机调试 | zh-translation:content/zh/docs/ops/diagnostic-tools/virtual-machines/ |
2021/04/03 | 设置请求超时 | zh translation: docs/tasks/traffic management/request timeouts/ |
2021/04/02 | Zipkin | zh-translation: docs/tasks/observability/distributed-tracing/zipkin/i…. |
2021/04/01 | 安装配置文件 | zh-translation: docs/setup/additional-setup/config-profiles/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/03/30 | 组件自检 | zh-translation:content/zh/docs/ops/diagnostic-tools/controlz/ |
2021/03/26 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-005 | zh-translation:/news/security/istio-security-2020-005/ |
2021/03/24 | Istio 的 DNS 证书管理 | zh-translation: docs/tasks/security/cert-management/dns-cert/ |
2021/03/24 | 在所有微服务中启用 Istio | zh-translation: zh/docs/examples/microservices-istio/enable-istio-all-microservices. |
2021/03/22 | DNS 代理 | zh-translation: zh/docs/ops/configuration/traffic-management/dns-proxy. |
2021/03/19 | VirtualServiceUnreachableRule | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | UnknownAnnotation | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | ReferencedResourceNotFound | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | PodMissingProxy | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | NamespaceNotInjected | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | MTLSPolicyConflict | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | MisplacedAnnotation | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | JwtFailureDueToInvalidServicePortPrefix | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | IstioProxyImageMismatch | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | InternalError | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | GatewayPortNotOnWorkload | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | 远程访问遥测插件 | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | 使用外部 HTTPS 代理 | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | 术语表 | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/19 | Deployment 最佳实践 | Add owner and test section in header for all contents. |
2021/03/17 | Jaeger | zh-translation: docs/ops/integrations/jaeger/ |
2021/03/17 | Prometheus | zh-translation: /docs/ops/best-practices/observability/#using-prometheus-for-production-scale-monitoring. |
2021/03/17 | MicroK8s | zh-translation: docs/setup/platform-setup/MicroK8s/ |
2021/03/17 | IBM Cloud 快速开始 | zh translation: docs/setup/platform setup/ibm/ |
2021/03/15 | 在 Docker 中运行 ratings 服务 | zh-translation: /docs/examples/microservices-istio/package-service/in…. |
2021/03/15 | VirtualServiceHostNotFoundInGateway | zh-translation: /zh/docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0132/ |
2021/03/15 | DeploymentRequiresServiceAssociated | zh-translation: docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0117/ |
2021/03/15 | 前提条件 | zh-translation: /docs/examples/microservices-istio/prereq/ |
2021/03/14 | AlphaAnnotation | zh-translation: /zh/docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0136/ |
2021/03/13 | NoServerCertificateVerificationDestinationLevel | zh-translation: docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0128/ |
2021/03/13 | DeploymentAssociatedToMultipleServices | zh-translation: docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0116/ |
2021/03/13 | DeprecatedAnnotation | zh-translation: /zh/docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0135/ |
2021/03/11 | NoServerCertificateVerificationPortLevel | zh-translation: docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0129/ |
2021/03/11 | Analyzer Message Format | zh-translation: docs/reference/config/analysis/message-format/ |
2021/03/11 | 配置 Istio Ingress Gateway | zh-translation: content/zh/docs/examples/microservices-istio/istio-ingress-gateway. |
2021/03/11 | ConflictingSidecarWorkloadSelectors | zh-translation: docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0110/ |
2021/03/11 | ConflictingMeshGatewayVirtualServiceHosts | zh-translation: docs/reference/config/analysis/ist0109/ |
2021/03/11 | 在虚拟机上部署 Bookinfo 应用程序 | zh-translation: docs/examples/virtual-machines/ |
2021/03/04 | NoMatchingWorkloadsFound | Add IST0127 Chinese translate. |
2021/03/04 | InvalidAnnotation | Add IST0125 Chinese translate. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2021/01/25 | InvalidRegexp | Add IST0122 Chinese translate. |
2021/01/25 | NamespaceMultipleInjectionLabels | Add IST0123 Chinese translate. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2020/12/27 | 验证安装结果 | zh-translation: multicluster-index & multicluster-verify. |
2020/12/24 | 多主架构的安装 | zh-translation: install multi-primary. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2020/06/01 | 最佳实践:Service Mesh 基准性能测试 | zh-translation: /blog/2019/performance-best-practices/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2020/04/15 | 1.0.3 | zh-translation: remove /docs/tasks/security/authentication/mutual-tls/ |
2020/04/15 | 使用外部 MongoDB 服务 | zh-translation: remove /docs/tasks/security/authentication/mutual-tls/ |
2020/04/13 | 变更说明 | zh-translation: add /docs/tasks/security/authorization/authz-jwt/ |
2020/04/08 | 0.6 | zh-translation: remove /docs/tasks/security/citadel-config/health-check/ |
2020/04/07 | 0.5 | zh-translation: move and update /docs/tasks/security/plugin-ca-cert/ |
2020/04/07 | 介绍 istiod:简化控制平面 | zh-translation: move and update /docs/tasks/security/plugin-ca-cert/ |
2020/04/07 | 升级说明 | zh-translation: remove /docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/ingress-certmgr/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2020/03/24 | 安装选项(Helm) | Temporary fix broken link blocking doc builds. |
2020/03/24 | 变更说明 | zh-translate:content/zh/news/releases/1.5.x/announcing-1.5/change-notes/ |
2020/03/19 | 0.1 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 使用 Istio 增强端到端安全 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 使用 Istio 进行金丝雀部署 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio 使用网络策略 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 0.2 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 使用外部 Web 服务 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 使用外部 TCP 服务 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio 的软性多租户支持 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio v1aplha3 路由 API 介绍 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 0.8 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | HTTP Egress 流量监控和访问策略 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 通过 Stackdriver 将日志导出到 BigQuery、GCS、Pub/Sub | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 使用 AppSwitch 精简 Istio 层次 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 多集群服务网格中的分版本路由 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.1.2 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.0.7 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.1.4 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.1.7 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio 中的安全管控出口流量,第一部分 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.2.1 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio 中的安全管控出口流量,第二部分 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio 中安全管控出口流量,第三部分 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.2.4 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.1.13 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.3.1 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 监控被阻止的和透传的外部服务流量 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 用于隔离和边界保护的多网格部署 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.2.7 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.1.16 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.3.3 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 把 Istio 作为外部服务的代理 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio client-go 发布公告 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.4.2 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.3.6 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.2.10 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 1.3.7 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | Istio 2020——为了商用 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | TLS Egress 监控和策略配置 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | RBAC 约束和属性(不建议使用) | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 升级说明 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 更新公告 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 变更说明 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/19 | 变更说明 | zh-translation: format for content/zh. |
2020/03/18 | APP 身份和访问适配器 | zh-translation: sync architecture with en. |
2020/03/10 | 0.4 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 基于 Istio 授权的 Micro-Segmentation | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.0 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.0.1 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 揭开 Istio Sidecar 注入模型的神秘面纱 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.2.3 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.3.2 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.1.17 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.2.8 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | Istio Operator 简介 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.4.1 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-002 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.4.4 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 1.3.8 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | Helm 安装参数变动表 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | Helm 安装参数变动表 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/10 | 升级说明 | fmt for zh content. |
2020/03/02 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-007 | zh-translation: sync some missing content. |
2020/03/02 | ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-001 | zh-translation: sync some missing content. |
2020/03/02 | 1.4.5 | zh-translation: sync some missing content. |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2020/02/09 | 1.4.3 | zh-update:/news/releases/1.4.x/announcing-1.4.3/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2020/01/19 | Helm 变更 | zh-translation: update some sentences. |
2020/01/02 | Istio v1beta1 授权策略概述 | zh-translation: /blog/2019/v1beta1-authorization-policy/ |
日期 | 文档 | 更改 |
2019/12/31 | 1.1.3 | zh-translation: content/zh/news/releases/1.1.x/announcing-1.1.3/ |
2019/12/31 | 1.1.5 | zh-translation: some announcing news. |
2019/12/31 | 1.1.6 | zh-translation: some announcing news. |
2019/12/31 | 1.1.8 | zh-translation: some announcing news. |
2019/12/31 | 1.1.9 | zh-translation: some announcing news. |
2019/12/31 | 1.1.12 | zh-translation: some announcing news. |
2019/12/31 | 1.2.5 | zh-translation:/news/releases/1.2.x/announcing-1.2.5/ |
2019/12/31 | 升级说明 | zh-translation: |
2019/12/30 | 1.1.10 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.1.x. |
2019/12/30 | 1.1.11 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.1.x. |
2019/12/30 | 1.2.6 | zh-translation:/news/releases/1.2.x/announcing-1.2.6/ |
2019/12/30 | 1.1.1 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.1.x/announcing-1.1.1/ |
2019/12/29 | 1.1.14 | zh-translation:/zh/news/releases/1.1.x/announcing-1.1.14/ |
2019/12/28 | 1.2.2 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.2.x/announcing-1.2.2/ #1563. |
2019/12/27 | 1.1.15 | zh-translation:/zh/news/releases/1.1.x/announcing-1.1.15/ |
2019/12/26 | 1.3.5 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.3.x/announcing-1.3.5/ #1580. |
2019/12/25 | 0.7 | zh-translation: /news/releases/0.x/announcing-0.7/ #1525. |
2019/12/25 | 0.3 | zh-translation: /news/releases/0.x/announcing-0.3/ #1521. |
2019/12/24 | 1.3.4 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.3.x/announcing-1.3.4/ |
2019/12/21 | 1.0.8 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.0.x/announcing-1.0.8/ #1535. |
2019/12/21 | 1.0.9 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.0.x/announcing-1.0.9/ #1536. |
2019/12/19 | 1.0.4 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.0.x/announcing-1.0.4/ #1531. |
2019/12/18 | 1.0.5 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.0.x/announcing-1.0.5/ #1532. |
2019/12/18 | 1.0.6 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.0.x/announcing-1.0.6/ #1533. |
2019/12/18 | 1.0.2 | zh-translation: /news/releases/1.0.x/announcing-1.0.2/ #1529. |
2019/12/17 | 1.2.9 | zh-translation:/zh/news/releases/1.2.x/announcing-1.2.9/ |
2019/12/11 | 地域负载均衡 | fix url due to the kubernetes new release 1.17. |
2019/12/04 | 为性能而设计的 Istio 1.1 | Add support for events. |
2019/12/04 | Mixer 和 SPOF 神话 | zh-translation: blog series. |
2019/12/04 | 增量式应用 Istio 第一部分,流量管理 | zh-translation: /blog/2018/series. |