Wait on Resource Status for Applied Configuration
Istio’s mesh configuration is declarative, which means that you define a configuration and Istio propagates the changes through the mesh over time. As a result, your command might attempt to use your service mesh before the relevant resources are ready.
In Istio 1.6 and later, you can use the kubectl wait
command to have more
control over the way that Istio applies configuration changes to the mesh. To
make this possible, the kubectl wait
command monitors the
field of the resource’s
status, which Istio updates as it propagates configuration changes.
Before you begin
This feature is off by default. Enable the status
field as part of Istio
installation using the following command.
$ istioctl install --set values.pilot.env.PILOT_ENABLE_STATUS=true --set values.global.istiod.enableAnalysis=true
Wait for resource readiness
You can apply a change and then wait for completion. For example, to wait for a virtual service, use the following commands:
$ kubectl apply -f @samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml@
$ kubectl apply -f @samples/httpbin/httpbin-gateway.yaml@
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Reconciled virtualservice/httpbin
virtualservice.networking.istio.io/httpbin condition met
This blocking command does not release until the virtual service has been distributed to all proxies in the mesh, or until the command times out.
When you use the kubectl wait
command in a script, the return code
will be 0
for success, or a non-zero value for time out.
For more information about usage and syntax, see the kubectl wait command.