Quick Start with IBM Cloud
Follow these instructions to install and run Istio in IBM Cloud. You can install Istio in IBM Cloud Public or IBM Cloud Private.
IBM Cloud Public
Follow these instructions to install and run Istio in IBM Cloud Public2 by using Helm and the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
This guide installs the current release version of Istio.
Prerequisites - IBM Cloud Public
- Install the IBM Cloud CLI, the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service plug-in, and the Kubernetes CLI3. Istio requires the Kubernetes version 1.9 or later. Make sure to install the
CLI version that matches the Kubernetes version of your cluster. - Make sure you have a cluster of Kubernetes version of 1.9 or later. If you do not have a cluster available, create a version 1.9 or later cluster4.
- Target the CLI to your cluster by running
ibmcloud ks cluster-config <cluster_name_or_ID>
and copying and pasting the command in the output.
Initialize Helm and Tiller
Install the Helm CLI.
Create a service account for Tiller in the
namespace and a Kubernetes RBAC cluster role binding for thetiller-deploy
pod:Create the service account and cluster role binding:
Initialize Helm and install Tiller:
Add the IBM Cloud Helm repository to your Helm instance:
Deploy the Istio Helm chart
If using a Helm version prior to 2.10.0, install Istio’s Custom Resource Definitions via
kubectl apply
, and wait a few seconds for the CRDs to be committed in the kube-apiserver:Install the Helm chart to your cluster:
Ensure the pods for the 9 Istio services and the pod for Prometheus are all fully deployed:
To upgrade your Istio Helm chart to the latest version:
Uninstall the Istio Helm deployment:
If your Helm version is less than 2.9.0, then you need to manually cleanup extra job resource before redeploy new version of Istio chart:
If desired, delete the Istio custom resource definitions:
IBM Cloud Private
Follow these instructions to install and run Istio in
IBM Cloud Private5
using the Catalog
This guide installs the current release version of Istio.
Prerequisites - IBM Cloud Private
- You need to have an available IBM Cloud Private cluster. Otherwise, you can follow Installing IBM Cloud Private-CE6 to create an IBM Cloud Private cluster.
Deploy Istio via the Catalog module
- Log in to the IBM Cloud Private console.
- Click
on the right side of the navigation bar. - Click
on the right side of the search box and select theibm-charts
check box. - Click
in the left navigation pane.
- Click
in the right panel.
- (Optional) Change the Istio version using the
drop-down. - Click the
- Input the Helm release name (e.g. istio-1.0.3) and select
as the target namespace. - Agree to the license terms.
- (Optional) Customize the installation parameters by clicking
All parameters
. - Click the
After it is installed, you can find it by searching for its release name on the Helm Releases page.
Upgrade or Rollback
- Log in to the IBM Cloud Private console.
- Click the menu button on the left side of the navigation bar.
- Click
and selectHelm Releases
. - Find the installed Istio using its release name.
- Click
and selectupgrade
- Log in to the IBM Cloud Private console.
- Click the menu button on the left side of the navigation bar.
- Click
and selectHelm Releases
. - Find the installed Istio using its release name.
- Click
and selectdelete
See also
Instructions to download the Istio release.
Instructions to setup a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster for Istio.
Example multicluster GKE install of Istio.
Instructions to setup an IBM Cloud cluster for Istio.
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service & IBM Cloud Private11
Example multicluster between IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service & IBM Cloud Private.
Example multicluster IBM Cloud Private install of Istio.