Constraints and Properties

This page lists the supported keys that could be used in Constraints and Properties. Constraints are used to specify additional custom conditions in a ServiceRole, Properties are used to specify additional custom conditions in a ServiceRoleBinding. For more information, please refer to authorization concept page.


The following table lists the currently supported keys in Constraints:

NameDescriptionKey ExampleValues Example
destination.ipDestination workload instance IP address, supports single IP or CIDRdestination.ip["", ""]
destination.portThe recipient port on the server IP address, must be in the range [0, 65535]destination.port["80", "443"]
destination.labelsA map of key-value pairs attached to the server instancedestination.labels[version]["v1", "v2"]
destination.nameDestination workload instance["productpage*", "*-test"]
destination.namespaceDestination workload instance namespacedestination.namespace["default"]
destination.userThe identity of the destination workloaddestination.user["bookinfo-productpage"]
request.headersHTTP request headers, The actual header name is surrounded by bracketsrequest.headers[X-Custom-Token]["abc123"]


The following table lists the currently supported keys in Properties:

NameDescriptionKey ExampleValue Example
source.ipSource workload instance IP address, supports single IP or CIDRsource.ip""
source.namespaceSource workload instance namespacesource.namespace"default"
source.principalThe identity of the source workloadsource.principal"cluster.local/ns/default/sa/productpage"
request.headersHTTP request headers. The actual header name is surrounded by bracketsrequest.headers[User-Agent]"Mozilla/*"
request.auth.principalThe authenticated principal of the request.request.auth.principal""
request.auth.audiencesThe intended audience(s) for this authentication informationrequest.auth.audiences""
request.auth.presenterThe authorized presenter of the credentialrequest.auth.presenter""
request.auth.claimsClaims from the origin JWT. The actual claim name is surrounded by[iss]"*"