kubernetes Config



Configuration parameters for the kubernetes adapter. These params control the manner in which the kubernetes adapter discovers and generates values related to pod information.

The adapter works by looking up pod information by UIDs (of the form: “kubernetes://pod.namespace”). It expects that the UIDs will be supplied in an input map for three distinct traffic classes (source, destination, and origin).

For all valid UIDs supplied, this adapter generates a map of output values containing information about the related pods. The generated map is keyed by value names generated by concatenating a pod identifier prefix with a value name. For example, for the pod corresponding to a sourceUID and the output value of pod ip, this adapter will output a map that includes a key of “sourcePodIP” (assuming parameter defaults).


File path to discover kubeconfig. For in-cluster configuration, this should be left unset. For local configuration, this should be set to the path of a kubeconfig file that can be used to reach a kubernetes API server.

NOTE: The kubernetes adapter will use the value of the env var KUBECONFIG in the case where it is set (overriding any value configured through this proto).

Default: "" (unset)


Controls the resync period of the kubernetes cluster info cache. The cache will watch for events and every so often completely resync. This controls how frequently the complete resync occurs.

Default: 5 minutes


Configures how the UID for the source pod for traffic is identified in the input map.

Default: sourceUID


Configures how the UID for the destination pod for traffic is identified in the input map.

Default: destinationUID


Configures how the UID for the origin pod for traffic is identified in the input map.

Default: originUID


Configures how the IP for the source pod for traffic is identified in the input map.

Default: sourceIP


Configures how the IP for the destination pod for traffic is identified in the input map.

Default: destinationIP


Configures how the IP for the origin pod for traffic is identified in the input map.

Default: originIP


Configures the cluster domain name to use for service name normalization.

Default: svc.cluster.local


In order to extract the service associated with a source, destination, or origin, this adapter relies on pod labels. In particular, it looks for the value of a specific label, as specified by this parameter.

Default: app


In order to extract the service associated with a source, destination, or origin, this adapter relies on pod labels. In particular, it looks for the value of a specific label for istio component services, as specified by this parameter.

Default: istio


The prefix used for source pod output value names.

Default: source


The prefix used for destination pod output value names.

Default: destination


The prefix used for origin pod output value names.

Default: origin


The value name for the pod labels output value.

Default: Labels


The value name for the pod name output value.

Default: PodName


The value name for the pod ip address output value.

Default: PodIP


The value name for the pod host ip address output value.

Default: HostIP


The value name for the pod namespace output value.

Default: Namespace


The value name for the pod service account name output value.

Default: ServiceAccountName


The value name for the service output value.

Default: Service