

Mixer is Istio’s abstraction on top of infrastructure backends.


Mixer is Istio’s point of integration with infrastructure backends and is the nexus for policy evaluation and telemetry reporting.

mixs inventory adapter

List available adapter builders


List available adapter builders

mixs inventory adapter

mixs inventory aspect

List available aspects


List available aspects

mixs inventory aspect

mixs inventory

Inventory of available adapters and aspects in Mixer


Inventory of available adapters and aspects in Mixer

mixs server

Starts Mixer as a server


Starts Mixer as a server

mixs server


      --adapterWorkerPoolSize int     Max # of goroutines in the adapter worker pool (default 1024)
      --apiWorkerPoolSize int         Max # of goroutines in the API worker pool (default 1024)
      --clientCertFiles string        A set of comma-separated client X509 cert files
      --compressedPayload             Whether to compress gRPC messages
      --configAPIPort uint16          HTTP port to use for Mixer's Configuration API (default 9094)
      --configFetchInterval uint      Configuration fetch interval in seconds (default 5)
      --configStoreURL string         URL of the config store. May be fs:// for file system, or redis:// for redis url
      --expressionEvalCacheSize int   Number of entries in the expression cache (default 1024)
      --globalConfigFile string       Global Config
      --maxConcurrentStreams uint     Maximum supported number of concurrent gRPC streams (default 32)
      --maxMessageSize uint           Maximum size of individual gRPC messages (default 1048576)
  -p, --port uint16                   TCP port to use for Mixer's gRPC API (default 9091)
      --serverCertFile string         The TLS cert file
      --serverKeyFile string          The TLS key file
      --serviceConfigFile string      Combined Service Config
      --singleThreaded                Whether to run Mixer in single-threaded mode (useful for debugging)
      --trace                         Whether to trace rpc executions

mixs version

Prints out build version information


Prints out build version information

mixs version