Support for Istio 1.1 has ended

Istio 1.1 end of life announcement.

Oct 21, 2019

As previously announced, support for Istio 1.1 has now officially ended.

Since we learned of the security vulnerability behind our October 8th security release while still barely within the 1.1 support period, we decided to extend the 1.1 support period beyond the original announcement and release 1.1.16. Then we discovered a bug in HTTP header size calculation was introduced by the security release, so we decided to release a fix in one last 1.1.17 release before closing out the 1.1 series for good.

At this point we will no longer back-port fixes for security issues and critical bugs to 1.1, so we heartily encourage you to upgrade to the latest version of Istio (1.25.1) if you haven’t already.