Announcing the Contribution Seat holders for 2023

The Istio Steering Committee welcomes contributors from Google, IBM, Huawei and Red Hat.

Feb 6, 2023 | By Faseela K, for the Istio Steering Committee

The Istio Steering Committee consists of 9 Contribution Seats, proportionally allocated based on corporate contributions to the project, and 4 elected Community Seats.

Last year, we elected four members to the community seats. It’s now time to announce the companies who fuel our growth by selecting the Contribution Seat members. As per the Steering charter, every February we look at which companies have made the most contributions to Istio based on an annually agreed metric.

According to our seat allocation process, this year Google will be allocated 5 seats and IBM/Red Hat will be allocated 2. As the third largest contributor to Istio in the last 12 months, we are pleased to announce that Huawei has earned two Contribution Seats.

Based on this, here is the complete list of Istio Steering Committee members, including both the Contribution and Community Seats:

Our sincerest thanks to Louis Ryan, Srihari Angaluri, Kebe Liu and Jason McGee, all long-time contributors to the Istio project, whose terms have come to an end.

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