2022 Istio Steering Committee Election Results

Announcing the newest Istio Steering Committee members.

Nov 4, 2022 | By Istio Steering Committee

The Istio Steering Committee consists of 9 proportionally-allocated Contribution Seats, and 4 elected Community Seats. Our third annual election for our Community Seats has concluded, and we are pleased to announce the choice of our members:

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Zack Butcher, Lin Sun and Zhonghu Xu, whose terms have now ended. With Contribution Seat holders from Google, IBM, Red Hat and DaoCloud, we have representation from 8 organizations on the Steering Committee, reflecting the breadth of our worldwide contributor ecosystem.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the election process, with special thanks to our election officers Josh Berkus, Cameron Etezadi and Ram Vennam.

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