Updates to how Istio security releases are handled: Patch Tuesday, embargoes, and 0-days

The Product Security working group announces Patch Tuesdays, how 0-days and embargoes are handled, updates to the security best practices page and the notification of the early disclosure list.

May 11, 2021 | By Jacob Delgado - Aspen Mesh

While most of the work in the Istio Product Security Working Group is done behind the scenes, we are listening to the community in setting expectations for security releases. We understand that it is difficult for mesh administrators, operators and vendors to be aware of security bulletins and security releases.

We currently disclose vulnerabilities and security releases via numerous channels:

When operating any software, it is preferable to plan for possible downtime when upgrading. Given the work that the Istio community is doing around Day 2 operations in 2021, the Environments working group has done a good job to streamline many upgrade issues users have seen. The Product Security Working Group intends to help Day 2 operations by having routine security release days so that upgrade operations can be planned in advance for our users.

Patch Tuesdays

The Product Security working group is intending to ship a security release the 2nd Tuesday of each month. These security releases may contain fixes for multiple CVEs. It is the intent of the Product Security working group to have these security releases not contain any other fixes, although that may not always be possible.

When the Product Security working group intends to ship an upcoming security patch, an announcement will be made on the Istio discussion board 2 weeks prior to release. If you’re running Istio in production, we suggest you watch the Announcements category to be notified of such a release. If no such announcement is made there will not be a security release for that month, barring some exceptions listed below.

First Patch Tuesday

We are pleased to announce that Istio 1.9.5, and the final release of Istio 1.8, 1.8.6, are the first security releases to fit this pattern. As Istio 1.10 will be shipping soon we are intending to continue this new tradition in June.

These releases fix 3 CVEs. Please see the release pages for information regarding the specific CVEs fixed.

Unscheduled security releases

0-day vulnerabilities

Unfortunately, 0-day vulnerabilities cannot be planned. Upon disclosure, the Product Security Working Group will need to issue an out-of-band security release. The above methods will be used to disclose such issues, so please use at least one of them to be notified of such disclosures.

Third party embargoes

Similar to 0-day vulnerabilities, security releases can be dictated by third party embargoes, namely Envoy. When this occurs, Istio will release a same-day patch once the embargo is lifted.

Security Best Practices

The Istio Security Best Practices has seen many improvements over the past few months. We recommend you check it regularly, as many of our recent security bulletins can be mitigated by utilizing methods discussed in the Security Best Practices page.

Early Disclosure List

If you meet the criteria to be a part of the Istio Early Disclosure list, please apply for membership. Patches for upcoming security releases will be made available to the early disclosure list ~2 weeks prior to Istio’s Patch Tuesday.

There will be times when an upcoming Istio security release will also need patches from Envoy. We cannot redistribute Envoy patches due to their embargo. Please refer to Envoy’s guidance on how to join their early disclosure list.

Security Feedback

The Product Security Working Group holds bi-weekly meetings on Tuesdays from 9:00-9:30 Pacific. For more information see the Istio Working Group Calendar.

Our next public meeting will be held on May 25, 2021. Please join us!

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