Change in Secret Discovery Service in Istio 1.3

Taking advantage of Kubernetes trustworthy JWTs to issue certificates for workload instances more securely.

Sep 10, 2019 | By Phillip Quy Le - Google

In Istio 1.3, we are taking advantage of improvements in Kubernetes to issue certificates for workload instances more securely.

When a Citadel Agent sends a certificate signing request to Citadel to get a certificate for a workload instance, it includes the JWT that the Kubernetes API server issued representing the service account of the workload instance. If Citadel can authenticate the JWT, it extracts the service account name needed to issue the certificate for the workload instance.

Before Kubernetes 1.12, the Kubernetes API server issues JWTs with the following issues:

  1. The tokens don’t have important fields to limit their scope of usage, such as aud or exp. See Bound Service Tokens for more info.
  2. The tokens are mounted onto all the pods without a way to opt-out. See Service Account Token Volumes for motivation.

Kubernetes 1.12 introduces trustworthy JWTs to solve these issues. However, support for the aud field to have a different value than the API server audience didn’t become available until Kubernetes 1.13. To better secure the mesh, Istio 1.3 only supports trustworthy JWTs and requires the value of the aud field to be istio-ca when you enable SDS. Before upgrading your Istio deployment to 1.3 with SDS enabled, verify that you use Kubernetes 1.13 or later.

Make the following considerations based on your platform of choice:

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