Consuming External MongoDB Services
Describes a simple scenario based on Istio's Bookinfo example.
In the Consuming External TCP Services blog post, I described how external services can be consumed by in-mesh Istio applications via TCP. In this post, I demonstrate consuming external MongoDB services. You use the Istio Bookinfo sample application, the version in which the book ratings data is persisted in a MongoDB database. You deploy this database outside the cluster and configure the ratings microservice to use it. You will learn multiple options of controlling traffic to external MongoDB services and their pros and cons.
Bookinfo with external ratings database
First, you set up a MongoDB database instance to hold book ratings data outside of your Kubernetes cluster. Then you modify the Bookinfo sample application to use your database.
Setting up the ratings database
For this task you set up an instance of MongoDB. You can use any MongoDB instance; I used Compose for MongoDB.
Set an environment variable for the password of your
user. To prevent the password from being preserved in the Bash history, remove the command from the history immediately after running the command, using history -d.Set an environment variable for the password of the new user you will create, namely
. Remove the command from the history using history -d.Set environment variables for your MongoDB service,
.Create the
user:Create a collection to hold ratings. The following command sets both ratings to be equal
to provide a visual clue when your database is used by the Bookinfo ratings service (the default Bookinfo ratings are4
).Check that
user can get ratings:The output should be similar to:
Initial setting of Bookinfo application
To demonstrate the scenario of using an external database, you start with a Kubernetes cluster with Istio installed. Then you deploy the Istio Bookinfo sample application, apply the default destination rules, and change Istio to the blocking-egress-by-default policy.
This application uses the ratings
microservice to fetch book ratings, a number between 1 and 5. The ratings are
displayed as stars for each review. There are several versions of the ratings
microservice. You will deploy the
version that uses MongoDB as the ratings database in the next subsection.
The example commands in this blog post work with Istio 1.0.
As a reminder, here is the end-to-end architecture of the application from the Bookinfo sample application.
Use the external database in Bookinfo application
Deploy the spec of the ratings microservice that uses a MongoDB database (ratings v2):
Update the
environment variable to the value of your MongoDB:Route all the traffic destined to the reviews service to its v3 version. You do this to ensure that the reviews service always calls the ratings service. In addition, route all the traffic destined to the ratings service to ratings v2 that uses your database.
Specify the routing for both services above by adding two virtual services. These virtual services are specified in
of an Istio release archive. Important: make sure you applied the default destination rules before running the following command.
The updated architecture appears below. Note that the blue arrows inside the mesh mark the traffic configured according to the virtual services we added. According to the virtual services, the traffic is sent to reviews v3 and ratings v2.
Note that the MongoDB database is outside the Istio service mesh, or more precisely outside the Kubernetes cluster. The boundary of the service mesh is marked by a dashed line.
Access the webpage
Access the webpage of the application, after determining the ingress IP and port.
Since you did not configure the egress traffic control yet, the access to the MongoDB service is blocked by Istio. This is why instead of the rating stars, the message “Ratings service is currently unavailable” is currently displayed below each review:
In the following sections you will configure egress access to the external MongoDB service, using different options for egress control in Istio.
Egress control for TCP
Since MongoDB Wire Protocol runs on top of TCP, you can control the egress traffic to your MongoDB as traffic to any other external TCP service. To control TCP traffic, a block of IPs in the CIDR notation that includes the IP address of your MongoDB host must be specified. The caveat here is that sometimes the IP of the MongoDB host is not stable or known in advance.
In the cases when the IP of the MongoDB host is not stable, the egress traffic can either be controlled as TLS traffic, or the traffic can be routed directly, bypassing the Istio sidecar proxies.
Get the IP address of your MongoDB database instance. As an option, you can use the host command:
Control TCP egress traffic without a gateway
In case you do not need to direct the traffic through an egress gateway, for example if you do not have a requirement that all the traffic that exists your mesh must exit through the gateway, follow the instructions in this section. Alternatively, if you do want to direct your traffic through an egress gateway, proceed to Direct TCP egress traffic through an egress gateway.
Define a TCP mesh-external service entry:
Note that the protocol
is specified instead ofMONGO
due to the fact that the traffic can be encrypted in case the MongoDB protocol runs on top of TLS. If the traffic is encrypted, the encrypted MongoDB protocol cannot be parsed by the Istio proxy.If you know that the plain MongoDB protocol is used, without encryption, you can specify the protocol as
and let the Istio proxy produce MongoDB related statistics. Also note that when the protocolTCP
is specified, the configuration is not specific for MongoDB, but is the same for any other database with the protocol on top of TCP.Note that the host of your MongoDB is not used in TCP routing, so you can use any host, for example
. Notice theSTATIC
resolution and the endpoint with the IP of your MongoDB service. Once you define such an endpoint, you can access MongoDB services that do not have a domain name.Refresh the web page of the application. Now the application should display the ratings without error:
Book Ratings Displayed Correctly Note that you see a one-star rating for both displayed reviews, as expected. You set the ratings to be one star to provide yourself with a visual clue that your external database is indeed being used.
If you want to direct the traffic through an egress gateway, proceed to the next section. Otherwise, perform cleanup.
Direct TCP Egress traffic through an egress gateway
In this section you handle the case when you need to direct the traffic through an egress gateway. The sidecar proxy routes TCP connections from the MongoDB client to the egress gateway, by matching the IP of the MongoDB host (a CIDR block of length 32). The egress gateway forwards the traffic to the MongoDB host, by its hostname.
If you did not perform the steps in the previous section, perform them now.
You may want to enable mutual TLS Authentication between the sidecar proxies of your MongoDB clients and the egress gateway to let the egress gateway monitor the identity of the source pods and to enable Mixer policy enforcement based on that identity. By enabling mutual TLS you also encrypt the traffic. If you do not want to enable mutual TLS, proceed to the
Mutual TLS between the sidecar proxies and the egress gateway section. Otherwise, proceed to the following section.
Configure TCP traffic from sidecars to the egress gateway
Define the
environment variable to hold some port for directing traffic through the egress gateway, e.g.7777
. You must select a port that is not used for any other service in the mesh.Add the selected port to the
service. You should use the same values you used for installing Istio, in particular you have to specify all the ports of theistio-egressgateway
service that you previously configured.Check that the
service indeed has the selected port:Disable mutual TLS authentication for the
service:Create an egress
for your MongoDB service, and destination rules and a virtual service to direct the traffic through the egress gateway and from the egress gateway to the external service.Verify that egress traffic is directed through the egress gateway.
Mutual TLS between the sidecar proxies and the egress gateway
Delete the previous configuration:
Enforce mutual TLS authentication for the
service:Create an egress
for your MongoDB service, and destination rules and a virtual service to direct the traffic through the egress gateway and from the egress gateway to the external service.Proceed to the next section.
Verify that egress traffic is directed through the egress gateway
Refresh the web page of the application again and verify that the ratings are still displayed correctly.
Check the log of the egress gateway’s Envoy and see a line that corresponds to your requests to the MongoDB service. If Istio is deployed in the
namespace, the command to print the log is:
Cleanup of TCP egress traffic control
Egress control for TLS
In the real life, most of the communication to the external services must be encrypted and
the MongoDB protocol runs on top of TLS.
Also, the TLS clients usually send
Server Name Indication, SNI, as part of their handshake. If your
MongoDB server runs TLS and your MongoDB client sends SNI as part of the handshake, you can control your MongoDB egress
traffic as any other TLS-with-SNI traffic. With TLS and SNI, you do not need to specify the IP addresses of your MongoDB
servers. You specify their host names instead, which is more convenient since you do not have to rely on the stability of
the IP addresses. You can also specify wildcards as a prefix of the host names, for example allowing access to any
server from the *.com
To check if your MongoDB server supports TLS, run:
If the command above prints a certificate returned by the server, the server supports TLS. If not, you have to control your MongoDB egress traffic on the TCP level, as described in the previous sections.
Control TLS egress traffic without a gateway
In case you do not need an egress gateway, follow the instructions in this section. If you want to direct your traffic through an egress gateway, proceed to Direct TCP Egress traffic through an egress gateway.
Create a
for the MongoDB service:Refresh the web page of the application. The application should display the ratings without error.
Cleanup of the egress configuration for TLS
Direct TLS Egress traffic through an egress gateway
In this section you handle the case when you need to direct the traffic through an egress gateway. The sidecar proxy routes TLS connections from the MongoDB client to the egress gateway, by matching the SNI of the MongoDB host. The egress gateway forwards the traffic to the MongoDB host. Note that the sidecar proxy rewrites the destination port to be 443. The egress gateway accepts the MongoDB traffic on the port 443, matches the MongoDB host by SNI, and rewrites the port again to be the port of the MongoDB server.
Create a
for the MongoDB service:Refresh the web page of the application and verify that the ratings are displayed correctly.
Create an egress
for your MongoDB service, and destination rules and virtual services to direct the traffic through the egress gateway and from the egress gateway to the external service.If you want to enable mutual TLS Authentication between the sidecar proxies of your application pods and the egress gateway, use the following command. (You may want to enable mutual TLS to let the egress gateway monitor the identity of the source pods and to enable Mixer policy enforcement based on that identity.)
Verify that the traffic is directed though the egress gateway
Cleanup directing TLS egress traffic through an egress gateway
Enable MongoDB TLS egress traffic to arbitrary wildcarded domains
Sometimes you want to configure egress traffic to multiple hostnames from the same domain, for example traffic to all
MongoDB services from *.<your company domain>.com
. You do not want to create multiple configuration items, one for
each and every MongoDB service in your company. To configure access to all the external services from the same domain by
a single configuration, you use wildcarded hosts.
In this section you configure egress traffic for a wildcarded domain. I used a MongoDB instance at
domain, so configuring egress traffic for *.com
worked for me (I could have used *
as well).
You can pick a wildcarded domain according to your MongoDB host.
To configure egress gateway traffic for a wildcarded domain, you will first need to deploy a custom egress gateway with an additional SNI proxy. This is needed due to current limitations of Envoy, the proxy used by the standard Istio egress gateway.
Prepare a new egress gateway with an SNI proxy
In this subsection you deploy an egress gateway with an SNI proxy, in addition to the standard Istio Envoy proxy. You can use any SNI proxy that is capable of routing traffic according to arbitrary, not-preconfigured SNI values; we used Nginx to achieve this functionality.
Create a configuration file for the Nginx SNI proxy. You may want to edit the file to specify additional Nginx settings, if required.
Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap to hold the configuration of the Nginx SNI proxy:
The following command will generate
to edit and deploy.Deploy the new egress gateway:
Verify that the new egress gateway is running. Note that the pod has two containers (one is the Envoy proxy and the second one is the SNI proxy).
Create a service entry with a static address equal to (
), and disable mutual TLS on the traffic directed to the new service entry:
Configure access to *.com
using the new egress gateway
Define a
:Create an egress
for *.com, port 443, protocol TLS, a destination rule to set the SNI for the gateway, and Envoy filters to prevent tampering with SNI by a malicious application (the filters verify that the SNI issued by the application is the SNI reported to Mixer).Route the traffic destined for *.com to the egress gateway and from the egress gateway to the SNI proxy.
Refresh the web page of the application again and verify that the ratings are still displayed correctly.
Check the log of the egress gateway’s Envoy proxy. If Istio is deployed in the
namespace, the command to print the log is:You should see lines similar to the following:
Check the logs of the SNI proxy. If Istio is deployed in the
namespace, the command to print the log is:
Understanding what happened
In this section you configured egress traffic to your MongoDB host using a wildcarded domain. While for a single MongoDB
host there is no gain in using wildcarded domains (an exact hostname can be specified), it could be beneficial for
cases when the applications in the cluster access multiple MongoDB hosts that match some wildcarded domain. For example,
if the applications access
, the egress
traffic can be configured by a single configuration for the wildcarded domain *
I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to verify that no additional Istio configuration is required when you configure an app to use another instance of MongoDB with a hostname that matches the wildcarded domain used in this section.
Cleanup of configuration for MongoDB TLS egress traffic to arbitrary wildcarded domains
Delete the configuration items for *.com:
Delete the configuration items for the
deployment:Remove the configuration files you created:
Drop the
user:Drop the ratings collection:
Unset the environment variables you used:
Remove the virtual services:
Undeploy ratings v2-mongodb:
In this blog post I demonstrated various options for MongoDB egress traffic control. You can control the MongoDB egress
traffic on a TCP or TLS level where applicable. In both TCP and TLS cases, you can direct the traffic from the sidecar
proxies directly to the external MongoDB host, or direct the traffic through an egress gateway, according to your
organization’s security requirements. In the latter case, you can also decide to apply or disable mutual TLS
authentication between the sidecar proxies and the egress gateway. If you want to control MongoDB egress traffic on the
TLS level by specifying wildcarded domains like *.com
and you need to direct the traffic through the egress gateway,
you must deploy a custom egress gateway with an SNI proxy.
Note that the configuration and considerations described in this blog post for MongoDB are rather the same for other non-HTTP protocols on top of TCP/TLS.